TransforMap / transformap-viewer
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website-integration full screen mode / button for full screen mode #13

Open josefkreitmayer opened 8 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

For the integration in the various websites, I think it is important to provide a "Full-Screen Button" and "Full Screen Mode", that opens in a new window.


The SSEDAS website, as many websites, that want to implement the map in their site will have 60% or less of the screen for the map. The overview and usability of the map will be strongly influenced and diminished and quality by that.


We provide a fullscreen mode on a sub-site or sub-domain, that is just dedicated to that fullscreen mode (without linking back), so if people are annoyed with the tiny window, they can go there with the "full screen mode button", which is not shown in the fullscreen mode itself.

For Mobile:

The full screen mode is the mode of our general operation, so it is also the mode, that is designed for mobile.

So, if someone with a mobile comes to a website, where our map viewer is implemented, then the interface should be very reduced, and provide the fullscreen-button, where they come to the general map, which is mobile-optimized.