TransforMap / transformap-viewer
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zoom levels on touchpad and mouse-scroll too fast (Macbook touchpad - not useable) #16

Closed josefkreitmayer closed 8 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

The zoom levels are especially with touchpad too fast, and it is almost impossible to reorient in the opening zoom levels.

I tested the map viewer interface with a colleague this weekend, and he could not make use of his macbook touchpad, as he would usually navigate a map. The touchpad was so sensitive to the zoom levels, that he was basically shot between scale 0 and scale 18.

I also notice, when I use the scroll-wheel of my mouse to navigate, that it jumps in steps to high for me to visually follow along. It jumps in steps of 4 from zoom level 0 to 4 to 8, ,12, 16.

Solution: Is it possible to set scroll/touchpad sensitivity back from 4 to 1 zoom-level per interaction?

species commented 8 years ago

Please could you specify on which:1. browser, 2. Operating Systems, 3. mouses this issue exist? It does work normal on FF and the bundled Browser on Android.

I've noticed the zoomwheel issue at Leaflet when working on a Mac with a Magic Mouse at a customer recently. But I don't have any Apple devices here for testing.

species commented 8 years ago

Found the issue here:

Meanwhile, you can use th [+] / [-] Buttons in the upper right corner for zooming.

species commented 8 years ago

tried to fix in 4cde449402e74c57110a82519a7bf7984146d94c, please test

species commented 8 years ago

got positive feedback, closing ticket.