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colours of POI-Cluster on map #24

Closed josefkreitmayer closed 8 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

Currently the POI-Cluster colours do not add much information, but distract, as especially the green of the smallest cluster break the colour-pattern.

Best change to the colour pattern of

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

For the colour of the actual POI, we could use the green that currently is at the smallest cluster.

3 people here liked it, let´s try. The dark blue is not really applealing, and the turquois would probably interfere with colours in the map tiles.

species commented 8 years ago

Tried out bright blue for POIs, not really a good idea snapshot1

species commented 8 years ago

changed to solidarity economy us color scheme, used green for pois on standard leaflet marker icon.