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Implement various Logos #26

Closed josefkreitmayer closed 8 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

Das SUSY-Logo ist schon einmal gut. Ich würde eventuell das Logo der EU hinzunehmen. Richtig schick wäre es, wenn die einzelnen Partner*innen auf „ihren“ Karten, die sich also in ihre Webseiten ihr eigenes Logo einbinden könnten. Also in Dtld. INKOTA, in Österreich Südwind etc. Geht das?

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

Reprasing the question:

How can we enable the partners, which are embedding the website, to easily change that part of the UI, where the logo, etc is displayed?

Actually, that would be a good question, but we need to focus on core and longterm sustainability perspective, meaning:

species commented 8 years ago

In today's meeting we decided to remove the logos, as it will be embedded in the existing website only.

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

About the embedding only in the existing website, I am not sure actually. Yesterday we just focused on the website, and not on the website of the partners.

So, the requirement for the implementation in the partner websites will be slightly different.