TransforMap / transformap-viewer
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Have static json file with geo-data in repo, as fallback, if server goes down #32

Closed josefkreitmayer closed 7 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

As there is always a chance, that the server with the API goes down for administrative or technical reasons, it might be useful to have a fallback json file with the geo-data, which is updated every quater-year, and where the map interface falls back on, if the request to the API is not answered within a certain time.

That could save a lot of "oh my god, the map is not showing anymore", if some problems with the server arise.

species commented 7 years ago

Fixed with 88b15326e22a79f51101aa5bc7fb165da4303c3a, 0238aec888e04bcff6fa29628840eac8f0c65b1f.