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Filter menu not visible on hd mobile screen iphone6 #39

Closed josefkreitmayer closed 7 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

As I tested the icons on the Iphone6 of my sister, I noticed that the filter menu does not show.

I assume, that is due to the resolution of 1334x750.

species commented 7 years ago

Your assumption is correct, it switches to the mobile layout below 768px width.

Is the "show filters"-button visible and does it work? Then its not a bug, but a feature and this issue can be closed.

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

No, on the iphone 6 it is just a turquoise screen, that does not go anywhere. I think the map shows initially, then when you click on the filter menu, turquoise screen.

species commented 7 years ago

Could you give a detailed step-by-step-instruction how to reproduce this bug?

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

The screen is just turquoise, and the filter button to the left is visible. Once pressing the button, it simply disappears, and the screen remains turquoise.

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

@fthprojects tested the link on her mobile device (iphone SE) and it doesn't seem to work. Attach a screenshot with the page appeared after typing the url. Could you please check it?


josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

@fthprojects we are aware of the issue, and will process it once the editor is running. Currently it is marked as postponed.

Thank you for your patience. Even if we cannot solve the issue right away, please keep on reporting anything you find not working as expected or think would be a good enhancement.

species commented 7 years ago

Please test if this was fixed together with #46 .

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

@fthprojects, could you test again, the issue should be resoved by now, and the map be running on the iphone6

fthprojects commented 7 years ago

@josefkreitmayer @species yes the problem is resolved. The map is running on iphone 6.