TransforMap / transformap-viewer
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Several translation issues #50

Open lottallegra opened 7 years ago

lottallegra commented 7 years ago

Missing Translation: • Language names should be translated: „Deutsch“ instead of „German“ (this affects the alphabetical order of the list, as some languages change first letter with translation: Spanish  Español)

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

Wikipedia language version issue goes here: "Choose language issue goes here: Advanced filter menu issues got divided into 3 items: , ,

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

@lottallegra thank you, there is several issues intermingling on various levels. We will sort them out and process each for itself.

species commented 7 years ago

Language names (and the text "Choose Language") the will stay in English. Imagine we translate them and you accidentally switch to a language you cannot even read and want to switch back ;-)