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Unexpected closing of menu in mobile mode #54

Open josefkreitmayer opened 7 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

Reported by @lottallegra

When I open the second menu level and then click on the 1st level menu entry („Bildung und Trainig“, for example), menu closes unexpectedly and jumps back to map view. unexpected_closing_menu

Bug-Reproduction by Josef: I could reproduce the bug with any other top-category when setting the screen size so, that it operates in mobile mode.

species commented 7 years ago

The menu closes only if you click on an already selected entry the second time, to show the applied filters on the map. Otherwise nothing would happen if you click an already selected entry. Does this explain the behaviour?

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago

Not really. I was also very surprised. Can that be turned off easily?

josefkreitmayer commented 7 years ago
