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Template maps on "leisure" and "food" instead of "green" and "organic" #7

Open gandhiano opened 9 years ago

gandhiano commented 9 years ago

I find the labels green and organic relatively ambiguous and meaningless and also not something that suggest me some transformation.

Organic (as of certification) is not even something very progressive nowadays - certification is rather a model of a capitalist society, where distances and alienation became so big, that you require to pay third-parties to get certificates. I suggest therefore replacing this one with "food" to be able to include also community-supported agriculture places, food cooperatives, etc., which rely on short-circuit/direct markets rather than (organic) certification schemes.

The same with green - what is it? "Green" businesses? Green spaces? I suggest replacing green with leisure, to represent places you can go if you want to have some relaxed time, culture, etc. (e.g. community gardens, theaters, etc.). Alternative terms for this could be culture map or community map.

species commented 9 years ago

@ organic: as this is the only organic map based on OSM, I would very much like to keep its focus on getting organic stuff. It is also one of the most impressive maps so far.

But I do agree about the "green" map, a good idea to replace its title with "leisure" or something similar.

These maps where my most basic ideas, which extracts out of OSM would make a nice and useful map. You are very welcome to supply ideas for other, more useful maps! I would be happy to replace the "Green" map with something more useful :)

Currently in queue is a "fair-trade"-Map. Other ideas would be a "Free" map for our freegan friends, or a "second hand" map.

gandhiano commented 9 years ago

Well, I keep the proposal of a food map - may or may not include organic stuff as well, but also some of the places I mentioned about, public/common/abandoned fruit trees, containers. I am very much close to the food-related alternative initiatives, and I know how out and critical they can be towards organic certification. Death to the Occam razor, so lets just have the two of them, food (inc. non-organic) and organic (inc. non-food, e.g. clothes, cosmetics, etc.)

Second hand map ("reuse and share" map?) also very cool.

Have doubts about a free map (everything is free nowadays, the costs are just hidden), but would be open for it if we have POIs and identities that justify it.