TranslatorSRI / NodeNormalization

Service that produces Translator compliant nodes given a curie
MIT License
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Provide evidence that NodeNorm can reliably support 20 sequential queries with a maximum of 10 seconds pause between each query (our current goal for performance in the short term) #219

Open gaurav opened 9 months ago

gaurav commented 9 months ago

As requested by Tyler

gaurav commented 7 months ago

See corresponding work for NameRes at

gaurav commented 7 months ago

Implemented in PR, and NodeNorm appears to take 5.109 seconds to process 33 test rows (0.155 seconds/test row, 0.100 seconds/query). So that is well under that limit.

Unfortunately, we can't test this on Prod yet, because some of the Unit Tests fail here. I'll close this once this has been deployed there and everything works there.