TranslatorSRI / NodeNormalization

Service that produces Translator compliant nodes given a curie
MIT License
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Add tracing with Jaegar #225

Closed gaurav closed 5 months ago

gaurav commented 8 months ago

We are rolling out Jaegar across Translator. It would be useful if NodeNorm tracked Jaegar traces through it, both as a way to checking how much time NodeNorm adds to this process (and proving that we can hit the required rate of functioning) and as a way of tracking where NodeNorm is being called from.

@YaphetKG I'm assigning this to you because you said that you had some code in progress to do this, but feel free to unassign it from yourself if you don't have time to work on this right now.

gaurav commented 6 months ago

As of PR #237, this is implemented on NodeNorm Exp. I'll close it once have it working on CI.

gaurav commented 5 months ago

Up and running on CI, and telemetry appears to be sent to -- closing.