Transmode / gradle-docker

A Gradle plugin to build Docker images from the build script.
Apache License 2.0
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Support certPath, tlsVerify, and apiVersion when using Docker Remote API #123

Open coollog opened 6 years ago

coollog commented 6 years ago

Have the docker task support inputs certPath and tlsVerify. These are useful for using, for example, minikube's Docker daemon as the remote, which would normally have these environment variables set:

docker {
    useApi true
    tlsVerify '1' // <<<<<<<
    hostUrl 'tcp://'
    certPath '/home/me/.minikube/certs' // <<<<<<<
    apiVersion '1.23' // <<<<<<<
    apiUsername 'user'
    apiPassword 'password'
    apiEmail ''
bjornmagnusson commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this. This has been an long time issue, and should definitely be fixed