TransylvanianInstituteOfNeuroscience / Superlets

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Inverse Transform #4

Open b-jancovich opened 1 month ago

b-jancovich commented 1 month ago

Hi Harald, I'm working with your Superlet Transform code in MATLAB for my PhD research in audio and acoustics. It would be very useful for my work to have an inverse of nfaslt(). I realise that since the transform takes the geometric mean of many sets of wavelet transforms, an inverse transform is not a trivial thing to achieve. I wonder if you think it is possible, and if so, whether you might be interested in implementing it.

Many thanks, Ben

HaraldBarzan commented 1 month ago


I have to admit I'm not sure how create an inverse Superlet transform of any kind. The geometric mean (or any kind of mean for that matter) cannot be easily disentangled even if one possesses the original wavelets. This is something that I will bring up with the team, but I guess it's fair to say that there's not going to be a positive answer.

Cheers, Harald

b-jancovich commented 1 month ago

Hi Harald, Thanks for your response, I suspected this would be your answer, but thought I'd ask anyway. By the way, thankyou for making this work open source, the superlet transform has provided a great foundation for some aspects of my work. I've cited the paper several times already :)

Cheers, Ben