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allow users to post an event to their instagram page #206

Open joebeernink opened 3 years ago

joebeernink commented 3 years ago

Add button to event details page to allow users to share event to their instagram page (assuming this is possible)

joebeernink commented 3 years ago

Not currently possible with current instagram SDK

chunlishao commented 11 months ago

@joebeernink , I agree with you, the current instagram graph api is for business and creator account to publish post. the basic api is for get user's profile and posts information. None of them work for us.

For the mobile apps, Instagram provides the "sharing to feed" and "sharing to story" api for third party apps. The way is we have picture or video prepared, and launches the instagram app and pass it to instagram then post manually.

I think it would be a fantastic feature to have after allowing user to upload photos and videos regarding event cleaning. I can build a prototype later if needed.