Traumflug / Teacup_Firmware

Firmware for RepRap and other 3D printers
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Infinite connecting to slicer when i2c SSD1306 is enabled #333

Open malketiya opened 1 year ago

malketiya commented 1 year ago

Hello. I am trying to compile the firmware for a 32x128 OLED display with i2c. Upon completion of code generation, it says that everything is normall. When I try to connect to Pronterface it keeps connecting endlessly. In the display.h file I have changed adress:

#if defined DISPLAY_TYPE_SSD1306
#define DISPLAY_I2C_ADDRESS         0x3C

Then I go to display_ssd1306.c and there missed bracket or not?

          // Should be a printable character.
          index = data - 0x20;
          // Write pixels command.
          displaybus_write(0x40, 0);
          // Send the character bitmap.
          #ifdef FONT_IS_PROPORTIONAL
            for (i = 0; i < pgm_read_byte(&font[index].columns); i++) {   // <--- here start
            for (i = 0; i < FONT_COLUMNS; i++) {
              displaybus_write(pgm_read_byte(&font[index].data[i]), 0);
          // Send space between characters.
          for (i = 0; i < FONT_SYMBOL_SPACE; i++) {
            displaybus_write(0x00, (i == FONT_SYMBOL_SPACE - 1));
      }                                                      // <--- here end

I am bad programmer, maybe I something do wrong. Sorry for my English. Maybe somebody can help me? I will be very gratefull