TravelMapping / DataProcessing

Data Processing Scripts and Programs for Travel Mapping Project
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need to use .rtime files #646

Closed yakra closed 1 month ago

yakra commented 2 months ago

Railway mode still uses the .time files (built from .list files) intended for Highway mode. I'll do a quick-n-dirty fix in the immediate term, to be followed up with something more cohesive later on.

for u in `grep -l 'last updated' * | cut -f1 -d.`; do
  diff ~/tm/UserData/time_files/$u.time <(grep 'last updated' $u.log | sed 's~.* last updated: ~~')
yakra commented 1 month ago

@jteresco, the Makefile is set up to create & clean up .time files in the rtime_files directory. Shall we go ahead & do that, or use the .rtime extension instead?

jteresco commented 1 month ago

I don't think extension matters there as long as we're consistent. The only reason for the switch to .rlist for rail user lists is so I can more automatically process user file updates that come in by email.