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Add plating carrier support in AirCreateReservationReq #393

Open engrashid opened 5 years ago

engrashid commented 5 years ago

Missing plating carrier attributes in air:AirPriceRsp>air:AirPriceResult>air:AirPricingSolution>air:AirPricingInfo

Some flight booking needs plating carrier attributes in air price info section of air price result. As air:AirPricingInfo from air price response gets passed to air create reservation . It needs to be added explicitly to air:AirPricingInfo as attributes like PlatingCarrier="TK"

We need to modify air price info like below so that PlatingCarrier="TK" gets pushed.

<air:AirPricingInfo Key="nCMOso4R2BKAr12JDAAAAA==" TotalPrice="BDT49437" BasePrice="USD347.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="BDT49437" ApproximateBasePrice="BDT28958" EquivalentBasePrice="BDT28958" ApproximateTaxes="BDT20479" Taxes="BDT20479" LatestTicketingTime="2019-05-20T23:59:00.000+06:00" PricingMethod="Guaranteed" IncludesVAT="false" ETicketability="Yes" ProviderCode="1G" PlatingCarrier="TK">

Addressing this issue would be awesome.

dchertousov commented 5 years ago

@engrashid isn't it fixed in #392 ?

engrashid commented 5 years ago

@dchertousov no its not fixed in #392 .

392 fix is for air price request.

I am talking about air create reservation request.

creduo commented 5 years ago

It'd be nicer to have separate AirPrice and CreateReservation, however current createReservation method which just copies the air:AirPricingInfo XML strings from airPriceRsp and pass them into univ:AirCreateReservationReq>air:AirPricingSolution so the source shouldn't be causing the issue.

If the platingCarrier is missing from AirPriceRsp, maybe you should open a ticket via MyTravelPort regarding the issue, or please share the search criteria or XML req/rsp.