Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial-c-sharp

The travelport-uapi-tutorial-c-sharp is a C# project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard Air availablity call and Hotel search, details, and booking flow.
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Need some help in Travelport API #157

Open MKalloub opened 5 years ago

MKalloub commented 5 years ago

Hi Support,

I wonder if you can help me in these several questions: 1- FareRules: I'm sending AirFareRuleReq with multi FareRuleKey as following: `6UUVoSldxwhik9NQCMzIHMbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TIjSPOlaHfQe5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5O2yVfECvrQM3ExqSoG052l+I8CYW5AiUzuigSqEW1UVCulqMwbpNZlN6pn3kPQ5g3paq/UgFIc4Kemk2k1MPNaOxvxXbSjgBll6FxyIC6cYuAWfcH2w92IEQfz1U0L7yJ2OVVqnSxUjw8C/XpFK/zqkp0FEw0raOCbZ1nsUQQB6KkuhxM2UfIUWgRUx9iRKYuFsAExMoVlv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDHzyxauAs+veBE308BFXsd7QPNqcmmS6r7B2WN4EjYakqvCAxEpck0dE49r1+gK5UwcNTAlszTcsx5W4bRuwrrPA=


` the response, contains 2 elements of FareRule <air:FareRule FareInfoRef="Gf+71aBAAA/BgKPE8SAAAA==" .... <air:FareRule FareInfoRef="Gf+71aBAAA/BhKPE8SAAAA=="

I checked the sub elements, I didn't find any differents Can I use the first element and it's sub rules only?

2- I want you to check Air Price Req/Rsp of AirPriceSolution for 1 ADT and 1 CHD.

is this a good way?

sometimes Air Price Rsp conatins multi AirPricingSolution/AirPricePoint How to deal with the response? check attached files from Travelport demp site.

3- In AirPrice, I have the following error when send FareBasisCode Transaction Error: Procedure/5012

4- In LFS, how to get 30 AirPrisingSolution like paging.

Thank you.

MKalloub commented 5 years ago

I faced the following issue, and don't know which to display When having a segment with codeshare which carrier will be displayed? Carrier / Operating Carrier here is a photo from demo site travelport and here is xml response, just remove .txt rsp.xml.txt


vivekjyotipramanik commented 5 years ago

Hi MKalloub,

Please find below the details about the questions you have. Thanks.

1- FareRules: Please share the full FareRule request and response, it will help us analyze the issue. 2- I want you to check Air Price Req/Rsp of AirPriceSolution for 1 ADT and 1 CHD.

This the correct way. The CHD PricingInfo will come in the response as PassengerType="CNN"

3 - sometimes Air Price Rsp conatins multi AirPricingSolution/AirPricePoint How to deal with the response?

Yes, it is correct and there might be multiple AirPricingSolution in the response, with varying pricing. You can select the best price.

4- In AirPrice, I have the following error when send FareBasisCode, Transaction Error: Procedure/5012.

This issue might come if your robotic signOn is not in place correctly.

5- In LFS, how to get 30 AirPrisingSolution like paging.

Could you please elaborate your question.

6-I faced the following issue, and don't know which to display When having a segment with codeshare which carrier will be displayed? Carrier / Operating Carrier

Ideally it should be the carrier. But as it will be your product and your design, you can use operating carrier as well.

MKalloub commented 5 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thank you for your helpful reply, but about the following points:

4- In AirPrice, I have the following error when send FareBasisCode, Transaction Error: Procedure/5012.

This issue might come if your robotic signOn is not in place correctly.

I didn't understand, can you elaborate your answer.

5- In LFS, how to get 30 AirPrisingSolution like paging. I want to display 30 Itinerary per page, So I want to check if there is any attribute can split the search result and group them by 30 or X Number of Itinerary. and use NextPageRef to retrieve the next page, and next page ... etc.

6- OK, about Carrier/ Operating Carrier we'll discuss this with our business owner. So, what about the 2 FlightDetails? we should display 2 segments ADD-> DMM & DMM->BAH, instead of ADD -> BAH or just display ADD -> BAH like Travelport demo


vivekjyotipramanik commented 5 years ago

Hi MKalloub,

Please find below the details based on your questions. Thanks.

4- In AirPrice, I have the following error when send FareBasisCode, Transaction Error: Procedure/5012.

This issue might come if your robotic signOn is not in place correctly.

I didn't understand, can you elaborate your answer.

This means your credentials are not setup properly. Please create a new ticket with this issue in github or in MyTravelport and share your username so that we can look into it.

5- In LFS, how to get 30 AirPrisingSolution like paging. I want to display 30 Itinerary per page, So I want to check if there is any attribute can split the search result and group them by 30 or X Number of Itinerary. and use NextPageRef to retrieve the next page, and next page ... etc.

There is a NextResultReference available which can be used for this scenario. Please find below the link with the details.

6- OK, about Carrier/ Operating Carrier we'll discuss this with our business owner. So, what about the 2 FlightDetails? we should display 2 segments ADD-> DMM & DMM->BAH, instead of ADD -> BAH or just display ADD -> BAH like Travelport demo

You can follow and refer demosite design Or you can create your new design. There is no correct or incorrect way of doing this. Preference would be to show both.