Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial-c-sharp

The travelport-uapi-tutorial-c-sharp is a C# project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard Air availablity call and Hotel search, details, and booking flow.
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missing Segment in AirCreateReservationRsp #77

Open muhacit opened 7 years ago

muhacit commented 7 years ago

Dears, I face an issue in some reservations, after firing an AirResrvationReq I get only 3 segments out of 4, I request return trip KWI->LHR->KWH in Lufthansa.

Please check the attached req/response request.txt response.txt

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi muhacit,

In the AirReservationRsp, one of the segments failed to book due to availability closed. Please find below the snippet from the response. This is at the end of the response in AirSegmentSellFailureInfo element. It is valid error when the availability is closed while booking. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.

          <air:AirSegment Key="W5rqOw8Q2BKAjgxABAAAAA==" Group="1" Carrier="LH" FlightNumber="634" Origin="FRA" Destination="KWI" DepartureTime="2017-06-29T13:40:00.000+02:00" ArrivalTime="2017-06-29T20:15:00.000+03:00" ClassOfService="K" ChangeOfPlane="false" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S"/>
          <air:ErrorMessage>*0 AVAIL/WL CLOSED*</air:ErrorMessage>
muhacit commented 7 years ago

This request is usually requested after customer payment? should I request AirCreateReservation before payment?

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi muhacit,

AirCreateReservationReq can be done without payment, but to confirm the booking, we need to run another step, AirTicketReq and The FOP needs to be processed before or along with the AirTicketingReq. Thanks.

muhacit commented 7 years ago

I get an error when I try to issue a ticket, that (virtual printer), what should I do to be assigned a virtual printer to my pre-production credentials?

Another issue: Some airlines not allowing to create PNRs more than 3 times for the same passenger, and we might get debit note later, because some people just reach the payment step and not reserving any flight but in this case AirCreateReservtionReq has been issued prior to payment, and a PNR is created ? so how to control fake PNRs?

NirandaG commented 7 years ago

Hi muhacit,

Are you trying to issue ticket on COPY system? If yes, please contact your Travelport Account Manager or open a ticket on ORS ( and they will be able to help you with adding the printer.

Rgds, Niranda