Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial-php

The travelport-uapi-tutorial-php is a PHP project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air, Vehicle, and Hotel.
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How to partially cancel and rebook existing booking? #12

Open yatinmistry opened 8 years ago

yatinmistry commented 8 years ago


How to partially cancel booking ? In return booking and multiple leg booking, how to cancel specific passenger from specific flight ? Please share sample request and response file for return booking with connecting flight.

I have done cancellation for whole booking Universal record. Just give me flow for partial cancellation.


UniversalRecordModifyReq_delete_child.txt UniversalRecordModifyResp_delete_child_error.txt

How to partially cancel any passenger from flight and rebook (reschedule) passenger on new date ? Please share sample request and response.

yatinmistry commented 8 years ago


Waiting for reply.

Thanks, Yatin Mistry

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi Yatin,

Apologies for the delay, I was unavailable due to a conference last week.

As per your first question, Please find below the sample for return connecting flight.

As per your second question, We can use AirCancelReq to cancel selected AirSegments in a booking.

In this scenario, an AirSegment element must be sent with the minimal criteria to uniquely identify it in the AirReservation. The attributes required to identify the segment are: Group, Carrier, Origin, Destination, DepartureTime, ArrivalTime, and FlightNumber. The LocatorCode is required to identify the PNR associated with this segment.

Please find below the details.

Also, we can use UniversalRecordModify to delete airsegments. Please find below the details.

We will provide the samples soon.

We can also use the AirExchangeQuoteReq to find the alternate flight and use the AirExchangeReq to change a booking.

Please let me know it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi Yatin,

Please find attached the sample requested regarding the partial AirSegment cancellation and Passenger modification. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

I am also having issue on cancelation booking i am using test account. and i had created call exactly as like . but i am getting message "Air Reservation not found" . althought that booking was make a minute ago

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

Thank you for your interest in Travelport Universal API. Could you please provide the request and response as you have tried. Not the samples, the request which you have tried and the response you have received. Also, please provide us the Reservation which you had created. Looks like in the request you have provided wrong Reservation number. Please provide details to analyze further. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

Hi thanks for your response i had resolve that issue but not i am recieving different error. following is the reposnse of cancel request. "Invalid request. Attempting to cancel a segment that does not exist or has been previously cancelled." I had attached all the requests. please tell me what i am doing wrong

001-1P_CancelFlightReq.txt 001-1P_CancelFlightRsp.txt 001-1P_CheckFlightReq.txt 001-1P_CheckFlightRsp.txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchReq(1).txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchRsp(1).txt 001-1P_LowfinalbookingReq.txt 001-1P_LowFinalBookingRsp.txt

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

The 001-1P_CheckFlightRsp.txt is completely blank. Could you please send me the UniversalRecordRsp and I will be able to analyze it. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

sory for that attached are the new requests and responses.none is empty now

001-1P_flight_booking_informationReq.txt 001-1P_flight_booking_informationRsp.txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchReq.txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchRsp.txt 001-1P_LowFinalbookingReq.txt 001-1P_LowFinalBookingRsp.txt

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

Could you please provide me the UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp from which you are trying to cancel the AirReservation. I am not seeing the UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp in the attached files. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

hi thanks for your support initialy i was not sending the universal record request but now i am doing that also but still receiving error in response. following are all the records now. when i tried to cancel a record Response on Cancel is "Invalid request. Attempting to cancel a segme"nt that does not exist or has been previously cancelled"

001-1P_CancelFlightReq.txt 001-1P_CancelFlightRsp.txt 001-1P_CheckUniversalRecordReq.txt 001-1P_CheckUniversalRecordRsp.txt 001-1P_flight_booking_informationReq.txt 001-1P_flight_booking_informationRsp.txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchReq.txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchRsp.txt

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

The AirReservationLocatorCode in the UniversalRecordRsp is ZN5JCX, while in Cancelreq you are using wrong LocatorCode. Please use the correct LocatorCode. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:air="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:univ="">
    <univ:AirCancelReq Version="0" TargetBranch="P107782">
      <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI"/>
      <air:AirSegment Key="DziigVluSGSAmczczT2aLw==" Group="0" Carrier="WY" CabinClass="Economy" FlightNumber="612" ProviderCode="1P" Origin="DXB" Destination="MCT" DepartureTime="2016-10-20T22:45:00.000+04:00" ArrivalTime="2016-10-20T23:55:00.000+04:00"/>

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

Hi, Attached are all the request and responses . i am sending same locator code that you mentioned. but still not able to cancel the booking "Universal record is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please retrieve the reservation again and try again"

001-1P_CancelFlightReq.txt 001-1P_CancelFlightRsp.txt 001-1P_flight_booking_informationReq.txt 001-1P_flight_booking_informationRsp.txt 001-1P_GetUniversalRecordReq.txt 001-1P_GetUniversalRecordRsp.txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchReq.txt 001-1P_LowFareSearchRsp.txt 001-1P_LowFinalbookingReq.txt 001-1P_LowFinalBookingRsp.txt

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

The actually Version="1" which can be found in UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp, but you are using Version="0" in the CancelReq. Whenever you do a Universal related transaction, it will update the version and please use the latest version always. Please change the latest version in CancelReq. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

initialy i passed version =1 but then it did not found airsegment with version 1

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

Could you please send me the UniversalReq and Rsp and also the Cancel Req and Rsp, where the correct version is passed and still you are getting error. It will help analyze the scenario better. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

attached are the requests and responses you asked following error comes on cancel "Invalid request. Attempting to cancel a segment that does not exist or has been previously cancelled"

001-1P_CancelFlightReq.txt 001-1P_CancelFlightRsp.txt 001-1P_GetUniversalRecordReq.txt 001-1P_GetUniversalRecordRsp.txt

NirandaG commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

Could you please send me the credentials you are using for test these transactions?

Thank you, Niranda

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

The AirSegment Key you are using is incorrect. The correct AirSegment Key is vANI8085SwC0Mxqf/Ws2mg==. Please try with the below request. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:air="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:univ="">
    <univ:AirCancelReq Version="1" TargetBranch="P107782">
      <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI"/>
      <air:AirSegment Key="vANI8085SwC0Mxqf/Ws2mg==" Group="0" Carrier="PK" CabinClass="Economy" FlightNumber="203" ProviderCode="1P" Origin="LHE" Destination="DXB" DepartureTime="2016-10-21T09:05:00.000+05:00" ArrivalTime="2016-10-21T11:05:00.000+04:00"/>

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

Thank you Vivekjyoti . thanks to your help i was able to cancel a flight successfully. i was using the segment key which i recieved on booking confirmation. i thought it will be same. i did not realized that the segment key recieved on booking confirmation will not be used to cancel booking and it will be some other. thanks again for your help.

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

Hi Got stuck again and this time on Hotel Cancel. I dont know why cancel booking becoming so hard. after learning from flight cancelation i tried to pass all valid parameters but still got error. will you please have a look at it. attaching all the requests and responses

Realy appriciate your help..

001-1P_CancelHotelReq.txt 001-1P_CancelHotelRsp.txt 001-1P_GetUniversalHotelReq.txt 001-1P_GetUniversalHotelRsp.txt 001-1P_HotelAvailabilityReq.txt 001-1P_HotelAvailabilityRsp.txt 001-1P_HotelBookingReq.txt 001-1P_HotelBookingRsp.txt 001-1P_HotelDetailReq.txt 001-1P_HotelDetailRsp.txt

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

one more thing on demo site airline logos are appearing but in api response i dont find images for airlines or hotels. i know this ticket is not the right place to ask such question. but can you direct me in this regard.

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

After analyzing the cancellation req, we can see you are using incorrect ProviderLocatorCode in the CancellationReq. The correct providerLocatorCode from the UniversalRecordReq is 4APFYB. Please try with the below req. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:hotel="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:univ="">


        <univ:HotelCancelReq Version="0" TargetBranch="P107782" ProviderCode="1P" ProviderLocatorCode="4APFYB">

            <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI"/>


            <hotel:HotelProperty HotelChain="HY" HotelCode="DXBGH"/>




Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

Universal API does not provide Airline or Hotel logos and the functionality is not available in uAPI. Demosite is only for demo purposes and it does not always match everything Universal API offers. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

salimazhar commented 7 years ago

hi i tried the same request got following error after updating the code as us ask.

SOAP:Body SOAP:Fault Server.InvalidRequestException [Error] :4:36: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'hotel:HotelReservationLocatorCode'. One of '{"":AgentIDOverride, "":TerminalSessionInfo, "":OverridePCC, "":HotelProperty, "":HotelStay, "":FileFinishingInfo}' is expected. 1000 WEBSVC Data Validation failed on request message. E63D0AE70A07643CE2BC5236BD1979FB LastElement BillingPointOfSaleInfo /SOAP:Fault /SOAP:Body /SOAP:Envelope
salimazhar commented 7 years ago

hi its me again. :) i am also having issue on car cancelation attached are the univseral record response and cancel vehicle booking and response. its giving error to provide SupplierLocatorCode i had check the documentation its optional value. can you have a look at it also :).

and i had resolved the previouse hotel cancelation request issue by removing below node from request and it works. hotel:HotelReservationLocatorCode027RP7NN/hotel:HotelReservationLocatorCode

Thanks for you support.

001-1P_CancelCarReq.txt 001-1P_CancelCarRsp.txt universal_record_car_Res.txt

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi salimazhar,

Please provide the SupplierLocatorCode. Without that detail cancellation would not understand what to cancel from the UR/PNR. You are sending blank SupplierLocatorCode. the supplierLocatorCode sometimes takes time to reflect in UniversalRecordRsp. Please try UniversalRecordReq again and fill the SupplierLocatorCode in the cancelReq. Please let me know ho it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

rajeshtandukar commented 7 years ago

Hi vivekjyotipramanik, Once ticket has been issued, how can i reschedule the ticket in new date? Does AirExchangeReq or AirExchangeTicketingReq solves my issue ? . Please describe the procedure to regenerate ticket in Date.

Regards, Rajesh

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi rajeshtandukar,

I believe you are asking for ticketing reissue. Please find below the links with the details. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.

Zaima-23 commented 3 years ago


While trying to cancel PNR I'm getting "Universal record is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please retrieve the reservation again and try again" error. Please find the logs below

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hello, @vivekjyotipramanik

How can I find out if a ticket is reissu after purchasing it, or which feature should I look for? Can you share an example of a reissuing ticket? (Request/Response)

umer-fa commented 2 years ago

AnyOne please help to find me the error in this code why its not working `<?xml version="1.0"?> <AirCreateReservationReq xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" TargetBranch="P105159" RetainReservation="Both">

<BookingTraveler Key="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" TravelerType="ADT" Gender="M" Nationality="US" xmlns="">
    <BookingTravelerName Prefix="Mr" First="Jack" Last="Smith"/>
            <Street>2914 N. Dakota Avenue</Street>
    <PhoneNumber Location="DEN" CountryCode="1" AreaCode="303" Number="3333333"/>
    <Email Type="Home" EmailID=""/>
    <SSR SegmentRef="NKG05RAqWDKAPNWCAAAAAA==" Type="DOCS" Status="HK"
         FreeText="P/US/F1234567/US/11Sep92/M/11Sep22/Smith/Jack" Carrier="WE"/>
        <Street>2914 N. Dakota Avenue</Street>
<BookingTraveler Key="8s04Fns2SiizjV5Zn7T6Xw==" TravelerType="ADT" Gender="F" Nationality="US" xmlns="">
    <BookingTravelerName Prefix="Ms" First="Mary" Last="Smith"/>
    <PhoneNumber Location="DEN" CountryCode="1" AreaCode="303" Number="3333333"/>
    <Email Type="Home" EmailID=""/>
    <SSR SegmentRef="NKG05RAqWDKAPNWCAAAAAA==" Type="DOCS" Status="HK" FreeText="P/US/F1234567/US/11Sep00/F/11Sep22/Smith/Mary" Carrier="WE"/>
<ContinuityCheckOverride Key="1T" xmlns="">true
<FormOfPayment Type="Cash" Key="jwt2mcK1Qp27I2xfpcCtAw==" xmlns=""/>
<AirPricingSolution Key="NKG05RAqWDKARNWCAAAAAA==" TotalPrice="AUD74.50" BasePrice="THB1565"
                    ApproximateTotalPrice="AUD74.50" ApproximateBasePrice="AUD70.00" Taxes="AUD4.50"
                    ApproximateTaxes="AUD4.50" xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="NKG05RAqWDKAPNWCAAAAAA==" AvailabilitySource="A" Equipment="32S"
                AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Specific Fare Quote Unbooked" Group="0" Carrier="WE"
                FlightNumber="110" Origin="BKK" Destination="CNX" DepartureTime="2020-09-21T13:10:00.000+07:00"
                ArrivalTime="2020-09-21T14:20:00.000+07:00" FlightTime="70" TravelTime="70" Distance="365"
                ProviderCode="1G" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell"
                PolledAvailabilityOption="O and D cache or polled status used with different local status"
    <AirPricingInfo LatestTicketingTime="2020-09-21T23:59:00.000+10:00" PricingMethod="Guaranteed"
                    BasePrice="THB1565" Key="NKG05RAqWDKATNWCAAAAAA==" TotalPrice="AUD74.50"
                    ApproximateTotalPrice="AUD74.50" ApproximateBasePrice="AUD70.00" Taxes="AUD4.50"
        <FareInfo EffectiveDate="2020-09-11T13:53:00.000+10:00" Amount="AUD70.00" Destination="CNX" Origin="BKK"
                  PassengerTypeCode="ADT" FareBasis="W03MTH" Key="NKG05RAqWDKAVNWCAAAAAA==">
            <Endorsement Value="NONEND/NO PARTIAL REFUND/" xmlns=""/>
            <Endorsement Value="CHANGE OR UPGRADE" xmlns=""/>
            <Endorsement Value="CONDITIONS AND FEE" xmlns=""/>
            <Endorsement Value="APPLY BY SECTOR AND BY RBD" xmlns=""/>
            <FareRuleKey FareInfoRef="NKG05RAqWDKAVNWCAAAAAA==" ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingInfo BookingCode="W" CabinClass="Economy" FareInfoRef="NKG05RAqWDKAVNWCAAAAAA=="
        <TaxInfo Amount="AUD4.50" Category="TS" Key="NKG05RAqWDKAUNWCAAAAAA=="/>
        <FareCalc>BKK WE CNX Q10.00 39.79W03MTH NUC49.79END ROE31.41172</FareCalc>
        <PassengerType Code="ADT" BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA=="/>
            <ManualFareAdjustment AppliedOn="Base" AdjustmentType="Amount" Value="40"
            <BaggageAllowanceInfo Origin="BKK" Destination="CNX" Carrier="WE" TravelerType="ADT">
                <BagDetails ApplicableBags="1stChecked">
                            <Text>CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE</Text>
                <BagDetails ApplicableBags="2ndChecked">
                            <Text>CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE</Text>
            <CarryOnAllowanceInfo Origin="BKK" Destination="CNX" Carrier="WE"/>
<ActionStatus Type="TAW" TicketDate="2020-09-21T23:59:00.000+10:00" ProviderCode="1G"


umer-fa commented 2 years ago

`<?xml version="1.0"?> <AirCreateReservationReq xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" TargetBranch="P105159" RetainReservation="Both">

<BookingTraveler Key="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" TravelerType="ADT" Gender="M" Nationality="US" xmlns="">
    <BookingTravelerName Prefix="Mr" First="Jack" Last="Smith"/>
            <Street>2914 N. Dakota Avenue</Street>
    <PhoneNumber Location="DEN" CountryCode="1" AreaCode="303" Number="3333333"/>
    <Email Type="Home" EmailID=""/>
    <SSR SegmentRef="NKG05RAqWDKAPNWCAAAAAA==" Type="DOCS" Status="HK"
         FreeText="P/US/F1234567/US/11Sep92/M/11Sep22/Smith/Jack" Carrier="WE"/>
        <Street>2914 N. Dakota Avenue</Street>
<BookingTraveler Key="8s04Fns2SiizjV5Zn7T6Xw==" TravelerType="ADT" Gender="F" Nationality="US" xmlns="">
    <BookingTravelerName Prefix="Ms" First="Mary" Last="Smith"/>
    <PhoneNumber Location="DEN" CountryCode="1" AreaCode="303" Number="3333333"/>
    <Email Type="Home" EmailID=""/>
    <SSR SegmentRef="NKG05RAqWDKAPNWCAAAAAA==" Type="DOCS" Status="HK" FreeText="P/US/F1234567/US/11Sep00/F/11Sep22/Smith/Mary" Carrier="WE"/>
<ContinuityCheckOverride Key="1T" xmlns="">true
<FormOfPayment Type="Cash" Key="jwt2mcK1Qp27I2xfpcCtAw==" xmlns=""/>
<AirPricingSolution Key="NKG05RAqWDKARNWCAAAAAA==" TotalPrice="AUD74.50" BasePrice="THB1565"
                    ApproximateTotalPrice="AUD74.50" ApproximateBasePrice="AUD70.00" Taxes="AUD4.50"
                    ApproximateTaxes="AUD4.50" xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="NKG05RAqWDKAPNWCAAAAAA==" AvailabilitySource="A" Equipment="32S"
                AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Specific Fare Quote Unbooked" Group="0" Carrier="WE"
                FlightNumber="110" Origin="BKK" Destination="CNX" DepartureTime="2020-09-21T13:10:00.000+07:00"
                ArrivalTime="2020-09-21T14:20:00.000+07:00" FlightTime="70" TravelTime="70" Distance="365"
                ProviderCode="1G" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell"
                PolledAvailabilityOption="O and D cache or polled status used with different local status"
    <AirPricingInfo LatestTicketingTime="2020-09-21T23:59:00.000+10:00" PricingMethod="Guaranteed"
                    BasePrice="THB1565" Key="NKG05RAqWDKATNWCAAAAAA==" TotalPrice="AUD74.50"
                    ApproximateTotalPrice="AUD74.50" ApproximateBasePrice="AUD70.00" Taxes="AUD4.50"
        <FareInfo EffectiveDate="2020-09-11T13:53:00.000+10:00" Amount="AUD70.00" Destination="CNX" Origin="BKK"
                  PassengerTypeCode="ADT" FareBasis="W03MTH" Key="NKG05RAqWDKAVNWCAAAAAA==">
            <Endorsement Value="NONEND/NO PARTIAL REFUND/" xmlns=""/>
            <Endorsement Value="CHANGE OR UPGRADE" xmlns=""/>
            <Endorsement Value="CONDITIONS AND FEE" xmlns=""/>
            <Endorsement Value="APPLY BY SECTOR AND BY RBD" xmlns=""/>
            <FareRuleKey FareInfoRef="NKG05RAqWDKAVNWCAAAAAA==" ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingInfo BookingCode="W" CabinClass="Economy" FareInfoRef="NKG05RAqWDKAVNWCAAAAAA=="
        <TaxInfo Amount="AUD4.50" Category="TS" Key="NKG05RAqWDKAUNWCAAAAAA=="/>
        <FareCalc>BKK WE CNX Q10.00 39.79W03MTH NUC49.79END ROE31.41172</FareCalc>
        <PassengerType Code="ADT" BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA=="/>
            <ManualFareAdjustment AppliedOn="Base" AdjustmentType="Amount" Value="40"
            <BaggageAllowanceInfo Origin="BKK" Destination="CNX" Carrier="WE" TravelerType="ADT">
                <BagDetails ApplicableBags="1stChecked">
                            <Text>CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE</Text>
                <BagDetails ApplicableBags="2ndChecked">
                            <Text>CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE</Text>
            <CarryOnAllowanceInfo Origin="BKK" Destination="CNX" Carrier="WE"/>
<ActionStatus Type="TAW" TicketDate="2020-09-21T23:59:00.000+10:00" ProviderCode="1G"
