The travelport-uapi-tutorial-php is a PHP project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air, Vehicle, and Hotel.
Hi ,
All my reservation request failing with below warning:
NO FARESSome of the requested AirPricingInfos could not be saved for the requested provider.3100 : NO PLATING CARRIER FOUND
Though its creating LocatorCode
As a result of this error pricing info not getting returned in
@vivekjyotipramanik Shouldn't PlatingCarrier attribute be returned in air price response of air price request ?
Please notice in my air price request I have passed PlatingCarrier in
So I am expecting this attributes to be returned in air price response . But I see no clue of plating carrier in air price response which preventing me from passing it to aircreatereservation price section with plating carrier .
You are correct and it should have been returned in the AirPricingRsp. I would recommend you to create a ticket in for this issue. Even if PlatingCarrier is not returned, Could you please add PlatingCarrier in the AirPricingInfo element in the AirCreateReservationReq and give it a try if it is saving the fares properly. Thanks.
Hi , All my reservation request failing with below warning:
Hi engrashid,
Please use PlatingCarrier attribute in AirpricingInfo element and give it try again. Thanks.
@vivekjyotipramanik Shouldn't PlatingCarrier attribute be returned in air price response of air price request ?
Please notice in my air price request I have passed PlatingCarrier in
So I am expecting this attributes to be returned in air price response . But I see no clue of plating carrier in air price response which preventing me from passing it to aircreatereservation price section with plating carrier .
Is my understanding wrong?
Please correct me otherwise .
@vivekjyotipramanik any updates for me?
Hi engrashid,
You are correct and it should have been returned in the AirPricingRsp. I would recommend you to create a ticket in for this issue. Even if PlatingCarrier is not returned, Could you please add PlatingCarrier in the AirPricingInfo element in the AirCreateReservationReq and give it a try if it is saving the fares properly. Thanks.