Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial-php

The travelport-uapi-tutorial-php is a PHP project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air, Vehicle, and Hotel.
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SOAP Test Request and Respond #22

Open minamisak opened 8 years ago

minamisak commented 8 years ago


Can anyone provide any code for testing the ticket booking service and how to get the data from the PHP code to the XML part and where to locate the respond. any demonstration regarding this will be helpful.


vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Could you please confirm in which programming language you need the code for ticketing. We already have a sample code for ticketing in C#.

Please find below the PHP sample link. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hi vivekjyotipramanik

Thanks for your concern i saw that tutorial before that one for flights i need demonestaation one for the booking a ticket i worked with PHP language Regards

minamisak commented 8 years ago


i'm sorry i am a very new for the APIs and i don't know how to test the code i wrote for the XML and PHP so if you can also provide a basic knowledge about the tags used in that API


vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

We don't have any ticketing tutorial coded in PHP. We will provide an update with the tutorial by next Monday.

Although, Please confirm if you already have ticketing printer assigned to you. Ticketing will require a virtual ticketing printer assigned to you before you can do a successful ticketing. Please confirm with your Travelport Account Manager regarding Ticketing Printer. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Please find below the link which provides all the details regarding Universal API. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik

$message = <<<EOM
xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:univ="">
                  <soapenv:Header />


``` ``` /univ:AirCreateReservationReq /soapenv:Body /soapenv:Envelope EOM; this piece of code i just wrote can you please told me if i'm on the right track or not to complete project for all variables it will be taken from PHP code
minamisak commented 8 years ago
xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:univ="">
                  <soapenv:Header />


``` ``` /univ:AirCreateReservationReq /soapenv:Body /soapenv:Envelope sorry this is the complete one
vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

You are on the right track, but only bookingTraveler is not enough to complete the booking. Please find below the xml sample flow which might help you progress. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Dear vivekjyotipramanik

this is the Request part sorry for that but where to write the respond part or how to know that my data sent or how to see my output from the API

Best regards Thanks in Advance

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

The response will come from API. Please find below the link where you can try it out and it has all the logs and details which will be helpful. Thanks.

Please change it to PreProduction from right top corner in the main page before trying it out. Check for 'CREDENTIALS' to change it to PreProduction.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik

Sorry for my Questions hope not to disturb you

Best Regards


minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik

Regarding this tutorial of WSDL and SOAP the what is the binding part in my provided XML code

Best Regards Mina Misak

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

All the bindings and wsdl for Travelport Universal API are avbailable to download from the below link. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik

When can you provide the Demonstration tutorial because i did not reach anything till now

Thanks and Regards

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik

i went through the code but after some trials i got an error $message = <<<EOM <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">


``` /univ:AirCreateReservationReq /soapenv:Body /soapenv:Envelope EOM; $file = "001-".$Provider."_AirTickitingReq.xml"; // file name to save the request xml for test only(if you want to save the request/response) prettyPrint($message,$file);//call function to pretty print xml ``` $auth = base64_encode("$CREDENTIALS"); $soap_do = curl_init (""); $header = array( "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8", "Accept: gzip,deflate", "Cache-Control: no-cache", "Pragma: no-cache", "SOAPAction: \"\"", "Authorization: Basic $auth", "Content-length: ".strlen($message), ); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $message); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // this will prevent the curl_exec to return result and will let us to capture output $return = curl_exec($soap_do); $file = "001-".$Provider."_AirTickitingRsp.xml"; // file name to save the response xml for test only(if you want to save the request/response) $content = prettyPrint($return,$file); parseOutput($content); function prettyPrint($result,$file){ $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->loadXML($result); $dom->formatOutput = true; //call function to write request/response in file outputWriter($file,$dom->saveXML()); return $dom->saveXML(); } function outputWriter($file,$content){ file_put_contents($file, $content); // Write request/response and save them in the File } function parseOutput($content){ //parse the Search response to get values to use in detail request $LowFareSearchRsp = $content; //use this if response is not saved anywhere else use above variable //echo $LowFareSearchRsp; $xml = simplexml_load_String("$LowFareSearchRsp", null, null, 'SOAP', true); if($xml) echo "Processing! Please wait!"; else{ trigger_error("Encoding Error!", E_USER_ERROR); } $Results = $xml->children('SOAP',true); foreach($Results->children('SOAP',true) as $fault){ if(strcmp($fault->getName(),'Fault') == 0){ trigger_error("Error occurred request/response processing!", E_USER_ERROR); } } ``` this is what appear on the screen when i load the php file and add some data for it Processing! Please wait! Fatal error: Error occurred request/response processing! in /home/deardeal/public_html/wp-content/themes/DandD/testing.php on line 126 Thanks and Regards
minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik

the method that provided in the previous tutorial parsoutput is it to show anything other than what's came in the respond part as i got? and should it be implemented for the first test or i can use a static variable to test whether the request sent or not ?

thanks and Regards

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

The request you are trying with is incomplete and the reason behind its failing. Please find below the sample request. The flow is LFS/Air Avail - > Air Price -> Air Book -> Air Ticket.

You will get the AirPricingDetails in the AirPrice response and you have to use that during Air Book. Please find below the link to the complete flow.

We are working on the sample and will provide the same as soon as pssoble. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

hello vivekjyotipramanik regarding the cash part of the booking request could you please explain to me how it goes and how to verify it. also the part of the taxes is it required or optional ?

Thanks and regards Mina

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

If the Cash is accepted by the Airline during booking, the booking would be successful, otherwise it will fail with error message. Please find below the sample with Cash booking.


The taxes returned in the AirPriceSolution as part of AirPriceRsp is required and needs to be paid during booking. The Total Price returned during the AirPriceRsp includes taxes. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

hi vivekjyotipramanik

$message = <<<EOM
                  <soapenv:Header />


``` /univ:AirCreateReservationReq /soapenv:Body /soapenv:Envelope EOM; $file = "001-".$Provider."_AirTickitingReq.xml"; // file name to save the request xml for test only(if you want to save the request/response) prettyPrint($message,$file);//call function to pretty print xml ``` $auth = base64_encode("$CREDENTIALS"); $soap_do = curl_init (""); $header = array( "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8", "Accept: gzip,deflate", "Cache-Control: no-cache", "Pragma: no-cache", "SOAPAction: \"\"", "Authorization: Basic $auth", "Content-length: ".strlen($message), ); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $message); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($soap_do, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // this will prevent the curl_exec to return result and will let us to capture output $return = curl_exec($soap_do); $file = "001-".$Provider."_AirTickitingRsp.xml"; // file name to save the response xml for test only(if you want to save the request/response) $content = prettyPrint($return,$file); parseOutput($content); function prettyPrint($result,$file){ $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->loadXML($result); $dom->formatOutput = true; //call function to write request/response in file outputWriter($file,$dom->saveXML()); return $dom->saveXML(); } function outputWriter($file,$content){ file_put_contents($file, $content); // Write request/response and save them in the File } function parseOutput($content){ //parse the Search response to get values to use in detail request $LowFareSearchRsp = $content; //use this if response is not saved anywhere else use above variable //echo $LowFareSearchRsp; $xml = simplexml_load_String("$LowFareSearchRsp", null, null, 'SOAP', true); if($xml) echo "Processing! Please wait!"; else{ trigger_error("Encoding Error!", E_USER_ERROR); } $Results = $xml->children('SOAP',true); foreach($Results->children('SOAP',true) as $fault){ if(strcmp($fault->getName(),'Fault') == 0){ $NoData = true; } } //echo ``` could you please told me what's miss here and if exist told me what to add Thanks and Regards
vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

The main thing missing here in AirPricingSolution which you will get from AirPriceRsp. Also, FormOfPayment is missing. Please find below the complete xml which we need to send during booking. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
  <soapenv:Header /> 
 <univ:AirCreateReservationReq xmlns:air="" xmlns:common_v34_0="" xmlns:univ="" AuthorizedBy="user" RetainReservation="Both" TargetBranch="TRGT_BRCH" TraceId="trace">
  <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo xmlns:com="" OriginApplication="UAPI" /> 
 <com:BookingTraveler xmlns:com="" DOB="1969-09-17" Gender="M" Key="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" TravelerType="ADT">
  <com:BookingTravelerName First="Jack" Last="Smith" Prefix="Mr" /> 
  <com:Street>2914 N. Dakota Avenue</com:Street> 
  <com:PhoneNumber AreaCode="303" CountryCode="1" Location="DEN" Number="3333333" /> 
  <com:Email EmailID="" Type="Home" /> 
  <com:SSR Carrier="QF" FreeText="P/US/F1234567/US/17Sep69/M/24Sep15/Smith/Jack" SegmentRef="WOMIafkiRkSvAyJ/EI5AUw==" Status="HK" Type="DOCS" /> 
  <com:Street>2914 N. Dakota Avenue</com:Street> 
  <com:FormOfPayment xmlns:com="" Key="jwt2mcK1Qp27I2xfpcCtAw==" Type="Cash" /> 
 <air:AirPricingSolution ApproximateBasePrice="USD95.90" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD116.38" BasePrice="AUD131.15" Key="zyyEKk6DQnCiRIrcGb4Igw==" Taxes="AUD28.01" TotalPrice="AUD159.16">
 <air:AirSegment ArrivalTime="2015-09-24T08:05:00.000+10:00" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Specific Fare Quote Unbooked" AvailabilitySource="S" Carrier="QF" ChangeOfPlane="false" ClassOfService="Q" DepartureTime="2015-09-24T06:30:00.000+10:00" Destination="MEL" Distance="456" Equipment="332" FlightNumber="405" FlightTime="95" Group="0" Key="WOMIafkiRkSvAyJ/EI5AUw==" LinkAvailability="true" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" Origin="SYD" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" ProviderCode="1G" TravelTime="95">
  <air:FlightDetails ArrivalTime="2015-09-24T08:05:00.000+10:00" DepartureTime="2015-09-24T06:30:00.000+10:00" Destination="MEL" Distance="456" FlightTime="95" Key="5C7ppAaiRkycL7EXBQqAXg==" Origin="SYD" TravelTime="95" /> 
 <air:AirPricingInfo ApproximateBasePrice="USD95.90" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD116.38" BasePrice="AUD131.15" ETicketability="Yes" IncludesVAT="false" Key="vELJvFMaQhKIq27WqAMeZg==" LatestTicketingTime="2015-08-13T23:59:00.000-07:00" PlatingCarrier="QF" PricingMethod="GuaranteedUsingAirlinePrivateFare" ProviderCode="1G" Taxes="AUD28.01" TotalPrice="AUD159.16">
 <air:FareInfo Amount="AUD131.15" DepartureDate="2015-09-24" Destination="MEL" EffectiveDate="2015-08-13T03:05:00.000-07:00" FareBasis="QDEAL" Key="bKZf58eKRSGdhdkYa6P8+g==" NotValidAfter="2015-09-24" NotValidBefore="2015-09-24" Origin="SYD" PassengerTypeCode="ADT" PrivateFare="AirlinePrivateFare" PseudoCityCode="PCC">
  <common_v34_0:Endorsement Value="NON-REF/NON-END" /> 
  <common_v34_0:Endorsement Value="SPECIAL FARE CONDITIONS" /> 
  <air:FareRuleKey FareInfoRef="bKZf58eKRSGdhdkYa6P8+g==" ProviderCode="1G">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</air:FareRuleKey> 
  <air:BookingInfo BookingCode="Q" CabinClass="Economy" FareInfoRef="bKZf58eKRSGdhdkYa6P8+g==" SegmentRef="WOMIafkiRkSvAyJ/EI5AUw==" /> 
  <air:TaxInfo Amount="AUD8.01" Category="QR" Key="AFYBRvVUQp2JizjYeiVtOA==" /> 
  <air:TaxInfo Amount="AUD5.53" Category="WG" Key="2hw1IIsERRq8HaxBt0O1OA==" /> 
  <air:TaxInfo Amount="AUD14.47" Category="UO" Key="J1/1PbhOT0KICaHiDBVHJQ==" /> 
  <air:FareCalc>SYD QF MEL 131.15QDEAL AUD131.15END</air:FareCalc> 
  <air:PassengerType Code="ADT" /> 
 <air:BaggageAllowanceInfo Carrier="QF" Destination="MEL" Origin="SYD" TravelerType="ADT">
 <air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="1stChecked">
 <air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="2ndChecked" ApproximateBasePrice="USD29.25" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD29.25" BasePrice="AUD40.00" TotalPrice="AUD40.00">
  <air:Text>UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO55LI/140LCM</air:Text> 
  <air:CarryOnAllowanceInfo Carrier="QF" Destination="MEL" Origin="SYD" /> 
 <air:EmbargoInfo Carrier="QF" Destination="MEL" Origin="SYD">
  <com:ActionStatus xmlns:com="" ProviderCode="1G" TicketDate="2015-08-13T12:02:57" Type="TAW" /> 

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik <<<EOM

soapenv:Header/ soapenv:Body /com:BookingTraveler /univ:AirCreateReservationReq /soapenv:Body /soapenv:Envelope --- Errors Server.InvalidRequestException [Error] :5:157: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'com:BookingTraveler'. One of '{"":AgentIDOverride, "":TerminalSessionInfo, "":OverridePCC, "":LinkedUniversalRecord, "":BookingTraveler, "":OSI, "":AccountingRemark, "":GeneralRemark, "":XMLRemark, "":UnassociatedRemark, "":Postscript, "":PassiveInfo, "":ContinuityCheckOverride, "":AgencyContactInfo, "":CustomerID, "":FileFinishingInfo, "":CommissionRemark, "":ConsolidatorRemark, "":InvoiceRemark, "":SSR, "":EmailNotification, "":QueuePlace, "":FormOfPayment, "":SupplierLocator, "":ThirdPartyInformation, "":PointOfSale, "":AirPricingSolution}' is expected. 1000 WEBSVC Data Validation failed on request message. AD484D510A07643C12C4DDC347B0E44E LastElement BillingPointOfSaleInfo DOB=1997-4-4 Gender=M Key=zvdzNC2NTSKW+0U6neic7Q== TravelerType=ADT com= before running your code i want you to tell me what is that errors that i got and the last error specially
minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello Dear Friend any news about the tutorial i stuck in so many parts

Thanks and Regards

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi mianmisak,

We have already started working on the sample which will answer all your concerns. We estimate that it will be ready by Next week Wednesday. Thanks.

In the last request you sent, the schema version should be same for all of the elements, you are using v33 for all of them except BookingTraveler( xmlns:com="" ) and that is the reason of the issue.

Also, Manadatory element AirPricingSolution is missing. The AirPricingSolution should be taken from AirPriceRsp. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello /vivekjyotipramanik

Please take in your consideration in that sample how to take the data from the flight respond and pass those data to that request Please its a very big point to me

Thanks and regards

minamisak commented 8 years ago


Server.BusinessMessage From Galileo : Uncaught Service Exception cause:com.cendant.tds.soa.framework.ServiceException: Exception ReturnedERR: AGENT ID - GALILEOWith the Dynamic GTID list of:A80AD9 3515AIRSVCBusinessUnsuccessful primary host transaction causing reservation failure.BD8A2DEE0A07643B706A2FB1A46FD931trace i got that error how to fix it ?

Thanks and Regards

minamisak commented 8 years ago

how to differentiate between the one round trip and many stops

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Looks like the agent fell off the system and that is the reason you are getting the error. Please feel free to request for a 2nd set of trial credential from the uAPI request form page.

Round Trip: Type of trip that has an origin, a destination, and a return to the origin.

Multiple Stops: It can be of different types, Jaw trip (A - B, C-A or A - B,B-C), Circle trip like (A-B, B-C, C-D, D-A).

Please let me know if that clarifies your question. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik now i got this error Server.InvalidRequestException [Error] :13:569: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: 'P0DT4H20M0S' is not a valid value for 'integer'. 1000 WEBSVC Data Validation failed on request message. D092C03A0A0764781BE7AE9B318A198B LastElement AirPricingSolution ArrivalTime=2016-08-28T19:55:00.000+10:00 AvailabilityDisplayType=Fare Specific Fare Quote Unbooked AvailabilitySource=S Carrier=AZ ChangeOfPlane=false ClassOfService=Q DepartureTime=2016-08-28T16:30:00.000+10:00 Destination=AMS Distance=456 Equipment=332 FlightNumber=405 FlightTime=P0DT4H20M0S Group=0 Key=EodB24dOQaSs1T3ywHAjCA== LinkAvailability=true OptionalServicesIndicator=false Origin=CAI ParticipantLevel=Secure Sell PolledAvailabilityOption=Polled avail used ProviderCode=1G TravelTime=P0DT4H20M0S

what is the missing part ? and what is the classOfService ?

thanks for your previous replay and it clarifies what i need. Best regards Mina

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello vivekjyotipramanik this is an urgent call from error i may solve the previous error instantly but this one i stuck in that gives me

current date 2016-08-28T10:51:16+00:00 Server.Data'Ticket By' date cannot be in the past. , Ticket By 2016-08-28T10:51:16.000+03:003003WEBSVCDataRequest data is invalid.D0C660D70A07643CDDB748F770021924trace

however i get the current date as you see

Thanks and Regards

minamisak commented 8 years ago

current date 2016-08-28T13:45:23+02:00 Server.Data'Ticket By' date cannot be in the past. , Ticket By 2016-08-28T13:45:23.000+03:003003WEBSVCDataRequest data is invalid.D0F7EB0D0A07643B706A2FB172ADFBBFtrace

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Server.InvalidRequestException [Error] :27:137: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'air:BookingInfo'. One of '{"":FareRuleFailureInfo, "":FareRemarkRef, "":Brand, "":Commission}' is expected. 1000 WEBSVC Data Validation failed on request message. D13206590A0764781BE7AE9B1CDEB8C0 LastElement FareRuleKey BookingCode=Q CabinClass=Economy FareInfoRef=EodB24dOQaSs1T3ywHAjCA== SegmentRef=EodB24dOQaSs1T3ywHAjCA==

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hello , So sorry for sending previous messages but really i need a replay for that errors asap

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

NirandaG commented 8 years ago


The ClassOfService is the booking class and this can be included in the AirSegment. Could you please send me your AirCreate request then I will have a look on this.

If I use the TicketDate as the current date and time, it works.

Thank you, B.Rgds, Niranda

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Just to add a little information, We do not support urgent and priority issues through github and if this is urgent we strongly recommend you to open an ORS ticket in and an API support Analyst will be assigned to you. We generally maintain 3-5 days SLA for github. Also, we do not support github over weekends.

Regarding your questions, The issue is you are not using valid time in FlightTime, FlightTime should always by time and not a Alpha numeric number, that is the reason the first error is coming.

As already mentioned, the ClassOfService is missing in the request as well.

Would it be possible to have a call with you when you are available and we will schedule the call and go through all the issues you are facing. Please let me know your preferred timezone and date/time and we will schedule the webex and call. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

HI vivekjyotipramanik it will be a pleasure for me to have a call with you to finish all my issues . my office hours from Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Egyptian timezone so check your schedule and told me the time and date your preferred.

Thanks in advance for you concern and sorry for that disturb Best Regards

minamisak commented 8 years ago

HI vivekjyotipramanik

could we please make a Skype call (conference) because Webex is not supported in my country My Skype account : minasokrat.

Best Regards Thanks in advance

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Thanks for the update, we will schedule the meeting soon and will provide further details very soon. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Webex is supported in Egypt I believe. We can schedule the call this Wednesday if that is fine with you. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Sorry for the late replay if we can re-schedule the call next week (Monday or Tuseday ) i will be glad for that . And i will check how to use WebEx in Egypt to be able for that. Again sorry for the delay because of the feast vacation in Egypt and thanks for your concern

Best regards Mina misak

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Sure, Let me schedule the meeting on Tuesday next week as per your timezone. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Thanks a lot. For me let we meet on Tuseday at 4:00 pm with Egypt timezone. my webEx account name is:mina misak the company name is :i-vestment

Thanks & Regards Mina Misak

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi minamisak,

Could you please provide your email address so that I can send the webex invite to your email directly. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 8 years ago

hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik

thanks & Regards mina misak

minamisak commented 7 years ago

hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik the meeting is in one hour and i did not receive any invitation on my mail or even webex account Please provide any or let us know if we will re-schedule

Thanks and Regards Mina Misak

minamisak commented 7 years ago

hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik

the meeting was re-schedule to today at 4:00 PM with our timezone. so please replay.

Thanks and Regards Mina Misak

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi minamisak,

I received your email address too late at night(235 AM at night). I am in Denver(It is 835 AM local time) and that is the reason I was expecting the email yesterday to schedule the meeting timely. We have to reschedule for tomorrow 4 Pm your tie. Is that fine with you. Please confirm. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi Minamisak,

Just to confirm, you have listed your email as ''. Could you please confirm if it is gmil and not Gmail. Please confirm and I will send the invite right now for tomorrow 4 PM your time. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

minamisak commented 7 years ago

hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik

I think that you accept the timezone of Egypt. so please what is the time now in your country and for tomorrow's meeting 4:00 Pm in Egypt is good for you or not. also my mail is :

Thanks and Regards Mina Misak

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi MinaMisak,

I am good with 4PM , but I was talking about the time when I received your email was too late to send you the invite. I have sent the invite for tomorrow 4 Pm your time. Please confirm once you receive the invite and accept the same. Thanks,.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik