Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial

The travelport-uapi-tutorial is a Java project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air and Hotel.
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The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected ' in AirportDetail.cs class #13

Open Suraj7814 opened 9 years ago

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

i am facing error "The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected '" in AirportDetail.cs file in this file ReferenceDataSearchReq refDataSearchReq = new ReferenceDataSearchReq(); ReferenceDataSearchRsp refDataSearchRsp;

refDataSearchReq is returning null thats why this error is coming please advise me

dbongs commented 9 years ago

Hi Sura

Please add the following code on your web config binding for ReferenceDataLookupBinding, i hope this will help you.

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

thanks dbongs for reply. but still its giving error. i added

in sample console application endpoint its come as name : "CustomBindings_ReferenceDataRetrievePortType" and its working


and on sample application Airportlist is coming but this error is coming on "GetAllAiportsFromParticualrCity" method

and in my application ist come as "BasicHttpBinding_ReferenceDataRetrievePortType"

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

I got List of airports but on "GetAllAiportsFromParticualrCity" method of AirportDetails.cs "The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected '" error is coming.. i used Username,Password,and Target Branch where i need to use PCC?

i have downloaded sample application and i did this on ConsoleApplication1 Retrieve all airports from a particular city plz advise me.

dbongs commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj

can u please send your binding for the ReferenceDataRetrieve?

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

thanks for reply

hi dbongs i tried in web config

<endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/kestrel/UtilService" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="ReferenceDataRetrieveBinding" contract="UtilService.ReferenceDataRetrievePortType" name="ReferenceDataRetrievePort" />


in sample application only airportlist coming and on "GetAllAiportsFromParticualrCity" methos this error coming. is there particular reason for this "he provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid" error?

dbongs commented 9 years ago

HI Suraj

the problem is in your binding not the endpoint what you have sent is you end point. please follow my steps below.

search for ReferenceDataRetrieveBinding on your web config. when you find it replace it with.

<binding name="ReferenceDataRetrieveBinding" maxBufferPoolSize="524288" maxBufferSize="2147483646" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483646" transferMode="Buffered">


Then your problem will be fixed. please let me know if you dont come right.

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

i tried like below screenshot but still error coming in consol application refrencebinding


dbongs commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj

the code are not the same, u dont have the security tag inside your binding that why you are geting the error.

dbongs commented 9 years ago

send me you email i will forwad the security tag if you are not recieving it.

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

okay thanks is my email address in console application i stuck on IDictionary<String, String> airportInCityList = airports.GetAllAiportsFromParticualrCity("New York"); method in this method this error is coming i used Username,Password,and Target Branch in my application also.

if sample application work then i can make separate application.

dbongs commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj did the solution work?

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Yes It works Thanks for help.. i replied your mail also :)

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Now i have run the application succesfully can you have any idea how to make this application like this demo?

i want just basic idea like how to use valuse and parameters for fetch records.

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

Thanks for your interest in Travelport Universal API. To pass the values and parameters you can create a form using WPF and take user input from there. You can pass the user input to the c# code in the origin/destination/date/airlines variables. Please find below the link regarding Universal API which might help you. Also, there are XML samples available in the link below. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Thanks dbongs,

Thanks for helping out Suraj7184.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Thanks vivekjyotipramanik & dbongs..

i am new in this api and xml so i don't have idea so if any one have small sample application in c# .net so i can refer that because i am confuse from where i need to start how to get results of flights from two inputed airport ant between particular dates. i just seen the sample application which is for air. and i need guidence only for air service..

Can anyone Please provide me sample?

thanks in advance..

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

We already have the sample application in github and it resolves all the concerns you are facing.

In the sample Tutorial available in github, if you check AirSvcTest.cs, it has the AirSearch functionality between cities with dates, AirLFSTest.cs has the same thing with LowFareSearch in UAPI, TutorialOne.cs, from line 95 to line 144 it shows how to iterate through the flight results and apply the same in AirPriceReq(AirReq.cs method AirPrice).

If you are facing any issues we can always schedule a webex and help you with UAPI. Please let me know how it goes. Also, please let me know your preferred tim and we can schedule an webex. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for reply i have solve errors which i face in sample application now i am making saperate application in that application i am using air_v31_0 and in sample air_v29_0 i am facing new error on below line number 119 of sample TutorialOne.cs file AirPricingSolution airPricingSolution = (AirPricingSolution)items.Current;

error is " Unable to cast object of type 'AirService.AirPricePointList' to type 'AirService.AirPricingSolution' "

so this error is come because this version chenge? if i use air_v31_0 then what i need to add or change ? for implement this on my application can i copy this all class or i need to create new class of this WsdlService.cs and other classs?

can you please guide me?

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

The v29 defaults to AirPricingSolution and for v31 it defaults to AirPricePoint. We can toggle between the two using SolutionResult="true" in LowFareSeacrh request. I have started working on a sample for AiPricePoint and will upload soon. Please find below link with the details about AirPricePoint. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik Thanks for reply.

i have make separate project from sample and in some level its giving me errors i have uploaded source code here
and in i have make one more project in that i have used latest version and i used all class of that sample but it also gives some errors which i have uploaded here can you check source code what issue with this code? & please let us know once you upload sample of latest version.

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

Could you please confirm where you are getting the error in code and what is the error msg. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Thanks Vivekjyoti Pramanik & sorry for confusion.

actually I am developing same code using latest version in which i am facing errors.. but first i will solve error which is coming on sample application i reached up to booking response but on AirBookTest.cs line number 61 reservationRsp = client.service(null, reservationReq); i am getting error "The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http' "
once it solve i can get general idea so based on this sample i can proceed furthure.

Thanks in advance..

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

This particular error msg is coming because of binding in config file. Please use the same CustomBinding and CustomServiceBinding like LowFareSearch. Please find below a sample. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

      <endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/kestrel/HotelService"
          binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="CustomServiceBinding"
          contract="UniversalService.AirCreateReservationPortType" name="AirCreateReservationPort" />

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik Thank you for reply.

Thanks by using your solution i added above binding code in web config now that error is solved but in AirBookTest.cs in AirBook method its giving below error or exception. can u please advise me?


vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

Please use the code after Ln 22 in AirBookTest.cs in the method AirBook and it should work fine. Due to time difference between the Places this issue may occur and we have to do ContinuityCheckOverride to bypass the issue. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

            reservationReq.ContinuityCheckOverride = new ContinuityCheckOverride()
                Key = "1T",
                Value = "true"
Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for quick reply. i used above code and error solved now i got LocatorCode, can you please guide me where it code will use? bookingresponse

till which stage i reached can you please advise me?

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Now sample application is running without any error and i got LocatorCode but i dont konw the use of LocatorCode can you please advise me ?

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

The UR locator Code is the unique identifier of the UniversalRecord created in uAPI an can be used for further reference in may ways. Please find below the link which has all the information and how we can use it. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Thanks Vivek

Thanks For Provide guidance.. i checked above link i am trying to understand xml because i don't have more knowledge of xml thats why i am asking some queries. for make search function like demo version what i need to do i got list of airports in samples application we have list of airports and airsegments and airprice but for make search function like demo how to use this functions i dont have idea. so can you pleas give me rough idea for this?


vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj7814,

Hope you are doing great.

Regarding your questions,

  1. How to Group records Airlines company wise ? And what is GBP in sample?

To group the Airlines Company wise, the response needs to be sorted. The response will provide all the Segment Details in a list. The list needs to be iterated and put in a new sorted list based on the Airline Supplier code.

The GBP here denotes the currency(Great Britain Pound). Based on the need we can specify the currencyType in AirPricingModifiers in the LowFareSearch.

  1. How to get Name like Air India,Jet Airways SriLankan, Emirates

To get the names of all the airlines there is a service called ReferencedataService which can be used. By changing the Type of ReferenceData in the request message like AirAndRailSupplierType, HotelSupplierType, Airport etc, we can get the list of all the Airlines and their codes. Then they can be compared with the Carrier/Supplier codes from the XML response and we can get the actual names.

  1. For Get record like this i need to display airSegments?

to get the records like showing in the Demo site, we actually needs to show the AirPricingSolution and AirSegments both. AirSegments does not show the price, AirPricingSolution shows the price and from AirPricingSolution we can get the AirSegmentRef Key which is associated with a particular AirSegment and can be retrieved by searching through the AirSegmentList with the Key in the LowFareSearch.

Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek

Thank you for answer my questions it will help me :+1: i am working on it if any issue i will post here..

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek

Query Related to your Last answer "get the records like showing in the Demo site, we actually needs to show the AirPricingSolution and AirSegments both. AirSegments does not show the price, AirPricingSolution shows the price and from AirPricingSolution we can get the AirSegmentRef Key which is associated with a particular AirSegment and can be retrieved by searching through the AirSegmentList with the Key in the LowFareSearch."

If i want to display record in repeater then i will bind airsegment to repeater like below

typeBaseAirSegment[] airSegments = lowFareRsp.AirSegmentList; rpetertFlights.DataSource = airSegments; rpetertFlights.DataBind();

but in repeater ItemDataBound how can i get price and related details? protected void rptFlights_(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { typeBaseAirSegment objTemp = (typeBaseAirSegment)e.Item.DataItem; /* how to get related price and other details*/ } staticserch

means how can i get record associated with each other(related to each other) can you provide any sample line of code for my reference by which i can get idea and proceed to further? thanks in advance..

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek.. Can you please just suggest me the way by which i can get price of all airsegments..i stuck here.. thanks in advance..

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

I think you are first checking the AirSegmentList. The actual way should be, We first have to loop through the AirPricingSolution or AirPricePoints(Here we can get the Price Details) and based on the AirSegment keys in AirPricingSolution we have to search in AirSegmentList for the AirSegment. Now, After getting all the AirSegment for OutBound journeys we can sort the AirSegments based on AirLines and provide options of the inbound journeys. Cause a particular outbound journey can have number of inbound journeys associated with it through different AirPricingSolutions. Please let me know if this clarifies your concern. I will create a sample and update the code base but it may take some time. I will update the code base with latest schema today itself. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek

Thank you so much for your guidance. now i can proceed further & i got your point i did wrong.. but i dont know how can i identify which inbound journeys and which is OutBound i am also checking this inbound and outbound journey. i think i need to identify inbound journey OutBound journey using date. thanks in advance.. :+1:

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

The inbound and outbound journey will be listed in the AirPricingSolution itself, in the Journey object. You can get the AirSegmentRef from there. The Group="0" identify the outbound journey and Group="1" identify the inbound journey. While searching with AirSegmentRef in AirSegmentList you can check for the Group identifier. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thanks I did the AirPricingSolution display with airsegmentdetails but its taking long time to load. i am working on aspx page and i used repeater control for this.any suggestion on this point?

i have one query for booking process. in booking process we are passing AirPricingSolution and priceRsp.AirItinerary can you please just advise me for below code i have taken screenshot of sample i want to know use of this code.. i want to know use of this below code what process is there in below code. AirBookTest book = new AirBookTest(); UniversalService.AirCreateReservationRsp bookResponse = book.AirBook(lowestPrice, priceRsp.AirItinerary);


Thanks in advance..

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

Sometimes test system respond slow, Although I will check if there is any way to get faster response.

The code snippet which you are talking about, is about selecting the AirPricingSolution from the AirPriceResponse and send it to the AirBook method to go through with the booking. If you go to the AirBook method in the class AirBookTest, we are creating a Booking Object Structure to create a booking with the AirPricingSolutions. Please let me know if this clarifies your question. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

For Booking we are sending list of typeBaseAirSegment in pricingSegments object for get AirPriceRsp? I am confuse because in below method passed list of typeBaseAirSegment in pricingSegments.


I have taken airsegments list from two AirPricingSolution and pass this list in AirPriceRsp priceRsp = AirReq.AirPrice(pricingSegments); method but its giving below error. error

and in sample code its take single airsegments of single AirPricingSolution and its working. my query is if i want to book two AirPricingSolution then how can i do that?

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

I have named it pricingSegments to denote that we are sending AirSegments for Pricing. You can change the name in your project as you want.

The error you are getting regarding date sequence may be due to AirSegment departure time is earlier than the Arrival Time. It may occur due to Time Zone changes between Origin and Destination. Could you please provide me the AirSegments you are using fro pricing when getting this error or the AirPriceReq XML. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thanks for clarify my confusion. :+1: i have AirSegments for Pricing and below is request xml in which i am getting error.

<AirPriceReq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" TargetBranch="P7037405">
  <BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" xmlns="" />
  <AirItinerary xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="GGmUwfS5SUiNDGWsWB/cIA==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-07-26T08:30:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-07-26T00:20:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="12" Group="0" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="340" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J6|Z0|I0|P0|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V7|O5|W0" />
    <AirSegment Key="HoJCi0iWTuC5fDBm/vzyDw==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T23:05:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T20:05:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="11" Group="1" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="330" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J5|Z0|I0|P0|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V6|O1|W0" />
    <AirSegment Key="dXdbZ3YXTRWuJa50+CQupQ==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-07-26T07:45:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-07-26T00:01:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="342" Group="0" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="314" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="FNpknecSQcKvAmR9bE4DRQ==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T22:00:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T19:15:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="343" Group="1" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="315" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
  <AirPricingModifiers PlatingCarrier="9W" xmlns="" />
  <SearchPassenger BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" Code="ADT" xmlns="" />
  <AirPricingCommand CabinClass="Economy" xmlns="" />

and if i send airsegments of single AirPricingSolution then there is no error error coming if i pass airsegments of two AirPricingSolution. Below is xml of AirSegments in which error not coming i got LocatorCode.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirPriceReq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" TargetBranch="P7037405">
  <BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" xmlns="" />
  <AirItinerary xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="ZCJJVQI6Si2TRxlQz8vS0A==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-07-26T07:45:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-07-26T00:01:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="342" Group="0" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="314" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="0hpKeFscSLuOTCy4ZqBlKg==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T22:00:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T19:15:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="343" Group="1" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="315" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
  <AirPricingModifiers PlatingCarrier="AI" xmlns="" />
  <SearchPassenger BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" Code="ADT" xmlns="" />
  <AirPricingCommand CabinClass="Economy" xmlns="" />

Second Query is after booking i got LocatorCode but i dont know the use of this LocatorCode. i dont have any sample code related to LocatorCode. please advise me.

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

The XML here has AirSegments where the 3rd Segment Departure Date is later than the 2nd Segment arrival date. This is breaking the continuity of the Itinerary and that is why you are getting the error. Please maintain continuity about dates when you are AirSegments in a AirItinerary in AirPriceReq. Please let me know how it goes.

<AirPriceReq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" TargetBranch="P7037405">
  <BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" xmlns="" />
  <AirItinerary xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="GGmUwfS5SUiNDGWsWB/cIA==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-07-26T08:30:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-07-26T00:20:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="12" Group="0" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="340" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J6|Z0|I0|P0|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V7|O5|W0" />
    <AirSegment Key="HoJCi0iWTuC5fDBm/vzyDw==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T23:05:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T20:05:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="11" Group="1" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="330" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J5|Z0|I0|P0|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V6|O1|W0" />
    <AirSegment Key="dXdbZ3YXTRWuJa50+CQupQ==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-07-26T07:45:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-07-26T00:01:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="342" Group="0" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="314" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="FNpknecSQcKvAmR9bE4DRQ==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T22:00:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T19:15:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="343" Group="1" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="315" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
  <AirPricingModifiers PlatingCarrier="9W" xmlns="" />
  <SearchPassenger BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" Code="ADT" xmlns="" />
  <AirPricingCommand CabinClass="Economy" xmlns="" />

and if i send airsegments of single AirPricingSolution then there is no error error coming if i pass airsegments of two AirPricingSolution. Below is xml of AirSegments in which error not coming i got LocatorCode.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirPriceReq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" TargetBranch="P7037405">
  <BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" xmlns="" />
  <AirItinerary xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="ZCJJVQI6Si2TRxlQz8vS0A==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-07-26T07:45:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-07-26T00:01:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="342" Group="0" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="314" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="0hpKeFscSLuOTCy4ZqBlKg==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T22:00:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T19:15:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="343" Group="1" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="315" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
  <AirPricingModifiers PlatingCarrier="AI" xmlns="" />
  <SearchPassenger BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" Code="ADT" xmlns="" />
  <AirPricingCommand CabinClass="Economy" xmlns="" />

Regarding UR Locator Code/AirRservationLocatorCode/SupplierLocatorCode,

These locator codes are needed in the Stages after booking. Like we can do Ticketing using AirReservationLocatorCode. But Unless you have a Virtual Printer Assigned to your TargetBranch/WAB using the PCC you would not be able to do the ticketing or use other uAPI services like booking ancillary(baggage/Seat etc.), Exchanging flights. To assign Printer in your TargetBranch you need to sign a Contract with us.

You can do UR Retrieve or UR Modify using the UR Locator Code though.Please find below the link which might be helpful.

Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thanks for Guidance i have maintain continuity about Departure Date but still giving same errors below is sample xml. and i have also maintain arrival date and Departure Date both but in this also give error. second xml is for this second case. and error is coming if i send airsegments of two diffrent AirPricingSolution.

<AirPriceReq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" TargetBranch="P7037405">
  <BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" xmlns="" />
  <AirItinerary xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="PjpIrZpIQQ+el3OFo+SaIg==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-08-01T07:45:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-08-01T00:01:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="342" Group="0" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="314" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="hiylTOV1S1mdWsRe8dBcMA==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-08-01T18:05:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-08-01T09:50:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="10" Group="0" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="345" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J7|Z6|I4|P2|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V7|O7|W7|B7" />
    <AirSegment Key="1W3R8/lYRam1bKmtm5NEzw==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T22:00:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T19:15:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="343" Group="1" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="315" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="UwtmPlm0T/Goa8HjAoAVgg==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T23:05:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T20:05:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="11" Group="1" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="330" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J5|Z0|I0|P0|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V6|O1|W0" />
  <AirPricingModifiers PlatingCarrier="AI" xmlns="" />
  <SearchPassenger BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" Code="ADT" xmlns="" />
  <AirPricingCommand CabinClass="Economy" xmlns="" />

below is sample xml sample in which both arrival date and Departure Date both.

<AirPriceReq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" TargetBranch="P7037405">
  <BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" xmlns="" />
  <AirItinerary xmlns="">
    <AirSegment Key="ZCQmJ/qSR7Sd7YWmQEdlXQ==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-08-01T07:45:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-08-01T00:01:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="342" Group="0" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="314" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="c31b3qJBRrukSI56bk2oBw==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="SIN" Origin="BOM" ArrivalTime="2015-08-01T18:05:00.000+08:00" DepartureTime="2015-08-01T09:50:00.000+05:30" FlightNumber="10" Group="0" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="345" PolledAvailabilityOption="Polled avail used" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J7|Z6|I4|P2|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V7|O7|W7|B7" />
    <AirSegment Key="6rFpWlY8RWuVfICMoQOnzA==" Equipment="788" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T22:00:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T19:15:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="343" Group="1" Carrier="AI" FlightTime="315" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C4|D4|J4|Z4|Y9|B9|M9|H9|K9|Q9|V9|W9|G9|L9|U9|T9|S9|E9|NC" />
    <AirSegment Key="LmyOucNWR9mwSFlHp0nyOA==" Equipment="737" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="P" ETicketability="Yes" Destination="BOM" Origin="SIN" ArrivalTime="2015-08-29T23:05:00.000+05:30" DepartureTime="2015-08-29T20:05:00.000+08:00" FlightNumber="11" Group="1" Carrier="9W" FlightTime="330" PolledAvailabilityOption="Cached status used. Polled avail exists" LinkAvailability="true" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" Distance="2437" ProviderCode="1G">
      <AirAvailInfo ProviderCode="1G">
        <BookingCodeInfo BookingCounts="C7|J5|Z0|I0|P0|Y7|M7|T7|U7|N7|L7|Q7|S7|K7|H7|V6|O1|W0" />
  <AirPricingModifiers PlatingCarrier="AI" xmlns="" />
  <SearchPassenger BookingTravelerRef="gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==" Code="ADT" xmlns="" />
  <AirPricingCommand CabinClass="Economy" xmlns="" />

second query for Aircraft name how can i get name of aircraft like "Airbus Industrie A380-800 Pax" and "Boeing 737-800" ? equipment

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

Please do not use duplicate segments with same origin/destination pair, here in your xml there are two segments each for SIN-BOM and BOM-SIN. In a real world scenario it is impossible for a traveler to board two flights at the same date and time and also from the same location. Please use valid scenarios when mixing AirSegments from low fare search. It is not occurring for the AirPriceSolution Segments cause the AirPriceSolution segments build with valid scenarios.

Regarding your 2nd question, I will check and let you know. Thanks.

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Sorry for this mistake. now got your point please let me know about further flow after there any sample code ? thanks in advance..

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Suddenly facing errors "UNABLE TO FARE QUOTE" and "SYSTEM ERROR OCCURRED" below is screenshot of errors. screen of AirLFSTest.cs unabletofarequote

AirReq.cs -> public static AirPriceRsp AirPrice(List pricingSegments)


vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

We do not have any sample published for Tickting or Universal Retrieve. We have a plan to publish the same very soon.

Regarding the errors, Could you please confirm if you are still receiving the errors. If so, are they coming for any particular Origin/Destination/dates. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Now its working fine..please inform once you publish sample Tickting or Universal Retrieve.because i don't have idea what to do after i get LocatorCode. thanks vivek.

Suraj7814 commented 9 years ago

Hi Vivek,

when will you publish Tickting or Universal Retrieve sample because i stuck after get LocatorCode. thanks in advance..

vivekjyotipramanik commented 9 years ago

Hi Suraj,

Apologies for the delayed response. I will publish the code today itself. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik