Closed nazmulmr closed 7 years ago
Hi vivek ,
Thanks for the explanation . Can you send me a sample search form if you have any with you please , Then i can understand correctly .
Thanks Hamdaan
Hi Hamdaan,
Please chec and you will get an idea about the Search page. If you need sample code, Please check Hotel project in the php github page and there is a sample already available there. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi vivek ,
I have checked all that . There is only a hotel project . no air project sample . Can you help me to develop this ? Because i have a travel port project + web design project to do . i can design the website . i don't know the values of travel port for air search the forms . if you can help me i can do this project an many more projects from sri lanka . if you can please send me an email to ( ) .
Thanks , Hamdaan
Hi Hamdaan,
Could you please confirm if you need a php form code sample with Air. I can provide you the same but it may take a bit time. I will update you as soon as possible. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hello vivek ,
Yes i confirm that i need a php form code sample with air & Can you send me an email personally i would like to talk to you .
Thanks , Hamdaan
Hi Hamdaan,
I will share an Air Form in PHP as soon as possible. In case you want to discuss, I can schedule a webex and we can discuss over there. Please let me know your preferred time and I will schedule the webex. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi Vevek ,
Thanks , I'm waiting for the air form php . i'll let you know the time for the discussion . i have to create a website like this . so i have to create flight search form when click the search button , i have to create a search results page with book now buttons for every flights & booking page with a payment gateway. here i found a IBE - XML on travel port market -
Thanks, Hamdaan
Hi Vevek ,
Is there any php library to format(Extract all flight information).'LowFareSearchReq' search result like
Thanks in Advance s ratheepan
Hi Ratheepan,
I have used the PHP loop in the Air Sample to extract all the results from LowfareShop and then we can show it anyway we want using HTML page. We can also use PHP SimpleXML_Load_File() to parse the XML of LowFareSearchRsp and show it using HTML page.Looks like the above example's are created using WPF in C#. For PHP we can use HTML5 to show the results after parsing. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Thank you very much vivek, Can i have the php functions that you have used to extract he flight details? Because I am facing some difficulties to extract the reposes , Thanks in Advance
s ratheepan
Hi Ratheepan,
Could you please confirm which flight details are you trying to retrieve. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
hi @vivekjyotipramanik , i am getting an error on ticketing, could you please help me. the error is: Some of the AirPricingInfos are not associated with requested AirReservation my request is:
Hi hassanItani,
Could you please check if the AirPricingInfoRef is same as the AirPricingInfo/@Key in AirCreateReservationRsp. They should be same. If they are same and you are still getting the error, please sendme the AirCreateReservationReq/Rsp. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik ,
yes the AirPricingInfoRef is the same. this is my request: booking_request.txt
and this is my response: booking_response.txt
Thanks & Regards Hassan Itani
Hi hassanItani,
The AirPricingInfo is not there in the Booking Response. The AirPricingInfoRef in Ticketing should be same as BookingResponse and not BookignRequest. As the AirPricingInfo is not in BookingResponse, that means the fare was not saved and can't be ticketed. Please price the segments again and also use PlatingCarrier in Booking request. Once the response is received please check if the AirPricingInfo is there. Otherwise it can;t be ticketed. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik ,
i am not getting the AirPricingInfoRef in BookingResponse even if i am using PlatingCarrier in BookingRequest.
Here is my request : booking_request.txt
Thanks & Regards Hassan Itani
Hi Hassan,
Looks like the fare is not valid anymore which is used in the booking request. Please Price the segment using AirPricingReq before booking. The flow should be done like, LowFareSearchReq/AirAvailabilitySearchReq -> AirPriceReq -> AireCreateReservationReq.
If after AirPriceReq we don't do the book immediately or at least within 15 mins, sometimes the fare might not be available as you are testing in PreProduction system.
Please find below a sample of complete end to end flow. Also, you can try out using your own credentials and the XML req/rsp can be checked from there as well. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Is there a way to get the entire soap response file to json? json_encode does not like the xml and returns an empty array. Or get the entire response into a php array.
thanks, Steve
Hi stevomilo11,
Thank you for your interest in Travelport Universal API . We don't have any such samples available as of now. The Soap response needs to parsed completely to convert it to json object. Directly using json_encode will not provide the data in json. We need to parse it by code and then we can use json_encode to convert it. Please find below a link which might be helpful. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi Vivekjyoti,
The links you posted are for Hotels and Rest Service. I am working with flights. Are there any other php example documents anywhere for formatting flight soap response? There doesn't seem to be any examples anywhere other than the one page.
Hi stevomilo11,
There is no such sample available right now, but if you can share the details using which you can trying to create the JSON object, I can create a sample parser for you, to parse the response. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik ,
I've done what you said and i have make a new search and then booking within 15 min and I've add the PlatingCarrier,but now there is a new warning message thay says
here is my request: booking_request.txt
And my response: booking_response.txt
Thanks & Regards Hassan Itani
Hi hassanItani,
Could you please try to book the same Market and dates in the demosite with your credentials. In the top right corner in the demosite there is a dropdown called, 'CREDENTIALS:'. Please select custom credentials from the dropdown and provide the details like TargetBranch, username, password etc. Then search the same flight and try to book the same. In demosite we can see the complete XML request and response. Could you please try in the demosite and let me know how it goes.
I am no seeing any issue with the above request. Please check in the demosite if you are getting same issues there. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
I have been reading all the threads to find a parser for air request response, I noticed your other repo 'travelport-api' , I am not sure how is the progress with that project, kindly can you share a php parser to extract the flights data?
Thank you
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik , i tried to search and book on travelport demo using my credentials but i got this error after purchasing. this is my error response: error.txt
Thanks & Regards, Hassan itani
Hi Hassan,
This particular error means, the flight is not available any more. It is a valid error in the booking process.
Please try with Airlines like Qantas (QF) [MEL-SYD], [LAX-SYD], Air NewZealand (NZ)[AKL-SYD], Delta(DL)[DEN-SFO],[ATL-JFK], British Airways(BA) [LHR-JFK] etc. These airlines' flights are generally available in PreProduction. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi Razalabs,
Thank you for your interest in Travelport Universal API. Could you please open an issue in github regarding your question, just to start a thread. Could you please specify the exact details you require from flights data. That would be very helpful for us to write the parser. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik , now i'm getting the following error on ticketing, any help please.
Thanks & Regards, Hassan ITANI
Hello Vivek,
i have some requirements to do with air reservation
1 meal request and
2 special service request (eg wheel chair , oxygen cylinder)
Is it possible to send above request with AirCreateReservationReq? or could you please send me some sample request format?
can i have sample request for FlightTimeTableReq'' to get First intermediate stop, Last intermediate and technical stop detailsstop? to get
Thanks in Advance
Hi Hassan,
To ticket in uAPI a virtual Printer is needed to be assigned to the PCC. If the virtual printer is not assigned the ticketing will not work. Please contact your Travelport Account Manager to assign the Printer GTID. Without signed contract Printer GTID can't be assigned and only the assigned Travelport account Manager can provide you the Printer GTID. Could you please confirm if you already signed a contract with Travelport, If not Please let me know your contact details and company name etc. and we can have someone from Sales team contact you. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi Ratheepan,
Could you please create a separate issue in Github with your question. I have started working on the questions. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik , UniversalRecordRetrieveReq works perfectly on demo using my credentials. but when sending the xml, it does not work. this is my request which is similar to demo: retrieve.txt
Thanks & Regards, Hassan ITANI
Hi Hassan,
Could you please confirm the endpoint you are using to retrieve UniversalRecord. the endpoint URL should be, If you are still getting issues with this endpoint, Please share the request with the PNR and TargetBranch. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik , thank you, it works when i have changed the endpoint.
Regards & Thanks Hassan ITANI
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik , i have 2 questions. the first one is on ticketing, can u send me a sample of ticketing reponse for multiple passengers ? the second one is in the Seat Map, i'm getting in the response list of rows for each passenger, so my question is can a passenger has a list different than another passenger and if yes, the difference is based on what?
Thanks & Regards, Hassan ITANI
Hi Hassan,
Please find below a sample with multiple passenger ticket response. Please let me know how it goes.
Regarding SeatMap, yes, SeatMap can vary based on Passenger and mostly depends on PassengerType. ADT seating list vary with Child or Infant seating list. As some of the Airlines/carriers does not support child or infant aisle seating.
Please let me know if this clarifies. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik , please can you send to me also the request of ticketing multi passengers and passengers must be different type please.
Thanks & Regards, HassaN ITANI
Hi Hassan,
Apologies for the delayed response. Please find below the Ticketing response with two different passenger Type code. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<air:AirTicketingReq AuthorizedBy="user" BulkTicket="false" ReturnInfoOnFail="true" TargetBranch="TRGT_BRCH" TraceId="trace" xmlns:air="">
<com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" xmlns:com=""/>
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
<air:AirTicketingRsp TraceId="trace" TransactionId="FB8F851E0A07643CB46A61A84F33456" ResponseTime="12716" xmlns:air="" xmlns:common_v30_0="">
<common_v30_0:ResponseMessage Code="0" Type="Info" ProviderCode="1V">PNR XGBQME Fare 1 - ELECTRONIC MESSAGE DELIVERED TKT ISSUED TTL FARE USD 2270.30 PRICE APPLIES IF TICKETED BY: 20MAR16</common_v30_0:ResponseMessage>
<common_v30_0:ResponseMessage Code="0" Type="Info" ProviderCode="1V">OK:Ticket issued</common_v30_0:ResponseMessage>
<air:ETR Key="M5xfhMxVQ3+BLSc+pJwFgw==" BasePrice="USD1690.00" Taxes="USD387.90" Refundable="false" Exchangeable="false" IssuedDate="2016-02-19T00:00:00.000-05:00" ProviderCode="1V" ProviderLocatorCode="XGBQMK" IATANumber="99999999" PseudoCityCode="PCC" PlatingCarrier="QF" ElStat="A">
<common_v30_0:AgentAction ActionType="Created" AgentCode="AGNT_CODE" BranchCode="BRCH_CODE" AgencyCode="AGCY_CODE" EventTime="2016-02-19T00:00:00.000-05:00"/>
<common_v30_0:BookingTraveler Key="II1FL0BbRfe8M2nUb/PZmw==">
<common_v30_0:BookingTravelerName First="TESTMR" Last="PASSONE"/>
<common_v30_0:ShippingAddress Key="wkGYHk9pR7OYn/2ujXknOQ==">
<common_v30_0:AddressName>TEST PASSONE</common_v30_0:AddressName>
<common_v30_0:Street>123 ABC STREET</common_v30_0:Street>
<common_v30_0:ProviderReservationInfoRef Key="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:ProviderReservationInfoRef Key="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:PhoneNumber Key="R0nNY9TIQUeGdFFVB8FXkA==" Type="None" Location="DEN" Number="3033333333">
<common_v30_0:ProviderReservationInfoRef Key="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:SSR Key="O1wX6DFLQby3ijzuiLYNKg==" Status="HK" Type="DOCS" FreeText="P/US/000005678/US/0000000/F/01JAN18/PASSONE/TESTMR/H-1PASSONE/TESTMR" Carrier="QF" ProviderReservationInfoRef="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:SSR Key="imT6m9I9Raq9ILPblJ7VcQ==" SegmentRef="KjCn+Ls+SzyGc6b+Bd/5xA==" Status="NN" Type="INFT" FreeText="PASSTWO/TESTMR01JAN13" Carrier="QF" ProviderReservationInfoRef="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:SSR Key="S4AM32WdTXmILMaz/QPDNA==" SegmentRef="KjCn+Ls+SzyGc6b+Bd/5xA==" Status="HK" Type="TKNE" FreeText="0817728968890C1" Carrier="QF" ProviderReservationInfoRef="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw==" ElStat="A"/>
<common_v30_0:SSR Key="chj58lDCTQKRLgpE07FfVQ==" SegmentRef="KjCn+Ls+SzyGc6b+Bd/5xA==" Status="HK" Type="TKNE" FreeText="INF0817728968891C1" Carrier="QF" ProviderReservationInfoRef="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw==" ElStat="A"/>
<common_v30_0:Address Key="3JZWrY98T4OOVzi0d3PUYQ==">
<common_v30_0:AddressName>TEST PASSONE</common_v30_0:AddressName>
<common_v30_0:Street>123 ABC STREET</common_v30_0:Street>
<common_v30_0:ProviderReservationInfoRef Key="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:FormOfPayment Key="84lWA67CQnizqGKy51XVwQ==" Type="Cash" Reusable="false" ProfileKey="hauavoGOQ3OnGrxuWkO7TQ=="/>
<common_v30_0:Payment Key="EQ3IJmmrSJmytdTouR2E8g==" Type="Itinerary" Amount="USD2077.90" FormOfPaymentRef="84lWA67CQnizqGKy51XVwQ=="/>
<common_v30_0:SupplierLocator SupplierCode="QF" SupplierLocatorCode="29JJCP"/>
<air:FareCalc>FC 25MAY LAX QF SYD 1690.00NUC1690.00END ROE1.0 XT 340.00YQ 20.00WY 5.60AY 4.50XFLAX4.5</air:FareCalc>
<air:Ticket Key="WOEKye9FRK66szsHO2oanQ==" TicketNumber="0817728968890" TicketStatus="N" ElStat="A">
<air:Coupon Key="g7WN7RIWS9W5sStCtfm/Xg==" CouponNumber="1" MarketingCarrier="QF" MarketingFlightNumber="12" Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" DepartureTime="2016-05-25T22:30:00.000-07:00" StopoverCode="true" BookingClass="Y" FareBasis="YLX0U" NotValidBefore="2016-05-25" NotValidAfter="2016-05-25" Status="O" SegmentGroup="0" MarriageGroup="0" ElStat="A"/>
<air:AirPricingInfo Key="Rpg0QOnLQJS3Cu3AcpuAvg==" TotalPrice="USD2077.90" BasePrice="USD1690.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD2077.90" ApproximateBasePrice="USD1690.00" Taxes="USD387.90" LatestTicketingTime="2016-03-20T23:59:00.000+00:00" PricingMethod="Auto" ETicketability="Yes" ProviderReservationInfoRef="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw==" AirPricingInfoGroup="1" Ticketed="true" PricingType="StoredFare">
<air:FareInfo Key="su+lnPqHR0qyoXM27aI1OQ==" FareBasis="YLX0U" PassengerTypeCode="ADT" Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" EffectiveDate="2016-02-19T00:00:00.000-05:00" Amount="USD1690.00" NotValidBefore="2016-05-25" NotValidAfter="2016-05-25">
<common_v30_0:Endorsement Value="CARRIER RESTRICTIONS APPLY"/>
<common_v30_0:Endorsement Value="FEES APPLY"/>
<air:FareStatus Code="Ticketed"/>
<air:BookingInfo BookingCode="Y" CabinClass="Economy" FareInfoRef="su+lnPqHR0qyoXM27aI1OQ=="/>
<air:TaxInfo Category="AY" Amount="USD5.60" Key="2rzgZZnVRf+knt0EkcLZRg=="/>
<air:TaxInfo Category="US" Amount="USD17.80" Key="QTi/NpLrRQKTtkArOMRvDQ=="/>
<air:TaxInfo Category="XF" Amount="USD4.50" Key="OeBr0a+tTeuYY69OdVYw9g=="/>
<air:TaxInfo Category="WY" Amount="USD20.00" Key="mwvjxgGOQjCOEaxKL0opiw=="/>
<air:TaxInfo Category="YQ" Amount="USD340.00" Key="dUmg5r02QMqIEgmWG39cBw=="/>
<air:FareCalc>LAX QF SYD 1690.00YLX0U NUC1690.00END ROE1.0</air:FareCalc>
<air:PassengerType Code="ADT" BookingTravelerRef="II1FL0BbRfe8M2nUb/PZmw==">
<air:FareGuaranteeInfo GuaranteeType="Auto"/>
<common_v30_0:BookingTravelerRef Key="II1FL0BbRfe8M2nUb/PZmw=="/>
<air:BaggageAllowanceInfo TravelerType="ADT" Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" Carrier="QF">
<air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="1stChecked" BasePrice="USD0.00" ApproximateBasePrice="USD0.00" TotalPrice="USD0.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD0.00">
<air:Text>UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCM</air:Text>
<air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="2ndChecked" BasePrice="USD0.00" ApproximateBasePrice="USD0.00" TotalPrice="USD0.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD0.00">
<air:Text>UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCM</air:Text>
<air:CarryOnAllowanceInfo Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" Carrier="QF">
<air:Text>UPTO15LB/7KG AND UPTO45LI/115LCM</air:Text>
<air:CarryOnDetails ApplicableCarryOnBags="1" BasePrice="USD0.00" TotalPrice="USD0.00"/>
<air:EmbargoInfo Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" Carrier="QF">
<air:ETR Key="lPGJKXLIROOETQLKGoRN1A==" BasePrice="USD169.00" Taxes="USD23.40" Refundable="false" Exchangeable="false" IssuedDate="2016-02-19T00:00:00.000-05:00" ProviderCode="1V" ProviderLocatorCode="XGBQMK" IATANumber="99999999" PseudoCityCode="PCC" PlatingCarrier="QF" ElStat="A">
<common_v30_0:AgentAction ActionType="Created" AgentCode="AGNT_CODE" BranchCode="BRCH_CODE" AgencyCode="AGCY_CODE" EventTime="2016-02-19T00:00:00.000-05:00"/>
<common_v30_0:BookingTraveler Key="gRyCjQtQQyuH38ckK0GXaA==" TravelerType="INF" DOB="2013-01-01">
<common_v30_0:BookingTravelerName First="TESTMR" Last="PASSTWO"/>
<common_v30_0:SSR Key="Un17Y0XhROyxhUudr35biA==" Status="HK" Type="DOCS" FreeText="P/US/000005679/US/0000000/MI/01JAN18/PASSTWO/TESTMR/-1I/PASSTWO/TESTMR" Carrier="QF" ProviderReservationInfoRef="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:NameRemark Key="mDZDlBKWSU+dCVwntiMjPQ==">
<common_v30_0:ProviderReservationInfoRef Key="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw=="/>
<common_v30_0:FormOfPayment Key="84lWA67CQnizqGKy51XVwQ==" Type="Cash" Reusable="false" ProfileKey="tDZdg/j6SzWuz6ufdeMHJw=="/>
<common_v30_0:Payment Key="lrZ0HLlsQJaPGmj1nPhfkA==" Type="Itinerary" Amount="USD192.40" FormOfPaymentRef="84lWA67CQnizqGKy51XVwQ=="/>
<common_v30_0:SupplierLocator SupplierCode="QF" SupplierLocatorCode="29JJCP"/>
<air:FareCalc>FC LAX QF SYD 169.00NUC169.00END ROE1.0</air:FareCalc>
<air:Ticket Key="IalR9OlOSnm37mn9gBGZxg==" TicketNumber="0817728968891" TicketStatus="N" ElStat="A">
<air:Coupon Key="fL98DpMUQbevQ5lvHI9cdA==" CouponNumber="1" MarketingCarrier="QF" MarketingFlightNumber="12" Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" DepartureTime="2016-05-25T22:30:00.000-07:00" StopoverCode="true" BookingClass="Y" FareBasis="YLX0UIN" NotValidBefore="2016-05-25" NotValidAfter="2016-05-25" Status="O" SegmentGroup="0" MarriageGroup="0" ElStat="A"/>
<air:AirPricingInfo Key="iUMrjJMoRbWmHyZr5BlxCw==" TotalPrice="USD192.40" BasePrice="USD169.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD192.40" ApproximateBasePrice="USD169.00" Taxes="USD23.40" LatestTicketingTime="2016-03-20T23:59:00.000+00:00" PricingMethod="Auto" ETicketability="Yes" ProviderReservationInfoRef="/Ru2zWUSTDCztPQU67IiSw==" AirPricingInfoGroup="1" Ticketed="true" PricingType="StoredFare">
<air:FareInfo Key="PLqW6iuVSLyPwDXetjUVRA==" FareBasis="YLX0UIN" PassengerTypeCode="INF" Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" EffectiveDate="2016-02-19T00:00:00.000-05:00" Amount="USD169.00" NotValidBefore="2016-05-25" NotValidAfter="2016-05-25">
<common_v30_0:Endorsement Value="CARRIER RESTRICTIONS APPLY"/>
<common_v30_0:Endorsement Value="FEES APPLY"/>
<common_v30_0:Endorsement Value="CARRIER RESTRICTIONS APPLY"/>
<common_v30_0:Endorsement Value="FEES APPLY"/>
<air:FareStatus Code="Ticketed"/>
<air:BookingInfo BookingCode="Y" CabinClass="Economy" FareInfoRef="PLqW6iuVSLyPwDXetjUVRA=="/>
<air:TaxInfo Category="AY" Amount="USD5.60" Key="btf6Y/vKTY+Db3A+l9pnRA=="/>
<air:TaxInfo Category="US" Amount="USD17.80" Key="IMJzW0QrQlSqldPetiwWJw=="/>
<air:FareCalc>LAX QF SYD 169.00YLX0UIN NUC169.00END ROE1.0</air:FareCalc>
<air:PassengerType Code="INF" BookingTravelerRef="gRyCjQtQQyuH38ckK0GXaA==">
<air:FareGuaranteeInfo GuaranteeType="Auto"/>
<common_v30_0:BookingTravelerRef Key="gRyCjQtQQyuH38ckK0GXaA=="/>
<air:BaggageAllowanceInfo TravelerType="INF" Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" Carrier="QF">
<air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="1stChecked">
<air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="2ndChecked" BasePrice="USD53.00" ApproximateBasePrice="USD53.00" TotalPrice="USD53.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="USD53.00">
<air:CarryOnAllowanceInfo Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" Carrier="QF"/>
<air:EmbargoInfo Origin="LAX" Destination="SYD" Carrier="QF">
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
Hi @vivekjyotipramanik ,
Thank you so much for your help. i'm getting an error message on ticketing. please you will find the response attached.
Thanks & Regards ticketingResponse.txt
Hi Hassan,
The error message is coming due to some issues with the Ticketing system at that moment. Could you please try again and let me know if you are getting the same issue with a different Airline. Also, Could you please confirm if you have already signed a contract with Travelport. For Ticketing a Virtual Printer is mandatory and can only be assigned to your TargetBranch once you are in contract with Travelport.
If you have already signed a contract with Travelport please contact your assigned Account manager to assign a virtual ticketing printer. If not, Please provide me your details like Company Name, your Contact email & phone and we will contact you regarding the contract procedure. Thanks.
Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik
how to get return flight detail in travelport response.
How to get BookingTravelerRef Key???
Hi RahimRahimov,
The BookingTravellerRef: is the reference for each passenger you request for air pricing. It could be a string with any alpha numeric character combination. This reference will be returned in the AirPrice response. So this can be used to send AirCreate as well. Please note that you need to set references for each passenger if you send multiple passengers in your request.
For ex: BookingTravelerRef="RXo3YUlkRmxBeXBCeEwzMg==" BookingTravelerRef="ANCSDdsRmxBeXBCeEwzMg=="
Please find the below XML for your reference.
Hi @NirandaG ,
Much Thanks for your attention.
So, how and where can i get this BookingTravelerRef Key - RXo3YUlkRmxBeXBCeEwzMg== to POST my AirPriceReq?? How should i generate this? Or... Maybe any API to get Traveler's (profile) BookingTravelerRef key? Could you please provide me with any example? Thanks.
Hi RahimRahimov,
BookingTravelerRef can be generated from in your own way logic. As I said earlier it is a unique to the passenger. So it could be a alpha numeric combination.
You can use the same and pass it for AirPrice as well.
Thank you very much @NirandaG !)))
Hi raselcse10,
Could you please try your credentials in demosite if you are facing the same issue over there. Also, we are unable to download the attached file. Could you please share the content only. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.
Hi raselcse10,
Could you please try with the below request. Please let us know if you are facing the same problem. Thanks.
<LowFareSearchReq xmlns="" TraceId="0788fa60-88e0-4a2a-9d6d-d98684dd2181" TargetBranch="P105273" ReturnUpsellFare="true">
<BillingPointOfSaleInfo xmlns="" OriginApplication="uAPI" />
<CityOrAirport xmlns="" Code="DEN" PreferCity="true" />
<CityOrAirport xmlns="" Code="SFO" PreferCity="true" />
<SearchDepTime PreferredTime="2017-09-29" />
<Provider xmlns="" Code="1G" />
<SearchPassenger xmlns="" Code="ADT" />
<AccountCode xmlns="" Code="-" />
Hi raselcse10,
I believe you are seeing this due to the browser setting you have, this is actually showing in XML, but the looks like the XML tags are not visible in the browser. Could you please check the View Source in the browser and it should have the readable format. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.
Hi raselcse10,
Travelport Universal API is a soap web services and only communicates as XML. If you want to use json you have write and use your own converter from XML to json. We can parse the xml directly from php and show it. Please find below the link with the php sample for uapi. please let us know how it goes. Thanks.
getting error: 400TPGateway - Request data not found - Request ignored - service name = AirService username = Universal API/uAPI-408683863 TPGateway - Request data not found - Request ignored - service name = AirService username = Universal API/uAPI-408683863400TPGateway - Request data not found - Request ignored - service name = AirService username = Universal API/uAPI-408683863 TPGateway - Request data not found - Request ignored - service name = AirService username = Universal API/uAPI-408683863 1 Array ( [url] => [content_type] => text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 [http_code] => 400 [header_size] => 219 [request_size] => 1111 [filetime] => -1 [ssl_verify_result] => 20 [redirect_count] => 0 [total_time] => 0.906 [namelookup_time] => 0 [connect_time] => 0.297 [pretransfer_time] => 0.609 [size_upload] => 779 [size_download] => 682 [speed_download] => 752 [speed_upload] => 859 [download_content_length] => -1 [upload_content_length] => 779 [starttransfer_time] => 0.906 [redirect_time] => 0 [certinfo] => Array ( ) [primary_ip] => [primary_port] => 443 [local_ip] => [local_port] => 37821 [redirect_url] => )