Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial

The travelport-uapi-tutorial is a Java project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air and Hotel.
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Agent has no privilege to perform Emulation. #265

Open hebafouad789 opened 7 years ago

hebafouad789 commented 7 years ago

i got my credentials a few weeks ago but seems like it is not working as I get 0 result all the time in “Hotel Booking ios sample” also when I try to request this url in postman application I get this msg as a response “Agent has no privilege to perform Emulation.”

Universal API User ID: Universal API/uAPI3229138438 Branch Code (TargetBranch) for ProviderName (ProviderCode): Branch Code for Worldspan (1P): P108150

NirandaG commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad789,

Is this credentials are for Worldspan or Apollo?

Thank you, B.Rgds, Niranda

NirandaG commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad789,

Is this credentials are for Worldspan or Apollo?

Thank you, B.Rgds, Niranda

hebafouad789 commented 7 years ago

Dear Nirnada,

Thanks for your quick response. my credentials are for Worldspan


vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad789,

Thank you for your interest in Travelport Universal API. Could you please confirm when you are running in Postman you are adding the authorization as type of Basic Auth. Also, Please change the URL with the dates in future. The request you are using is using past dates. Please find below the corrected URL. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

hebafouad789 commented 7 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik,

i tried this url ans still same results, and yes i am adding the auth as basic Auth. and this is a screenshot if my post man request. postman

Thank you. Heba Fouad

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad789,

The JSON URL is a wrapper on top of actual Travelport UAPI endpoints and might need further provisioning to work. Could you please try to test using demosite using your credentials and check if you are getting the same error or a different one or is it working. Please find below the demosite link. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

hebafouad789 commented 7 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik,

I tried the demosite and no luck, same error msg "Agent has no privilege to perform Emulation."

Thanks, Heba Fouad

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Please ignore last comment!

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad789,

We are checking if the robotic signon from your account is missing. We will provide an update as soon as possible. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

hebafouad777 commented 7 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik,

I got a new credentials and it's working fine in the demo site but in postman i am getting this response.. for this request

{ "faultcode": "Server.System", "faultstring": "Provider 1V is not authorized, please use default; leave PermittedProvider blank, and send the request again.", "detail": { "errorInfo": { "type": "System", "description": "Provider 1V is not authorized, please use default; leave PermittedProvider blank, and send the request again.", "service": "PROVISIONINGSERVICE", "code": "-1", "transactionId": "EFE6D67B0A0764787E5C3305996A844A" } } }

and those are my account data.. Universal API User ID: Universal API/uAPI-632161380 Branch Code (TargetBranch) for ProviderName (ProviderCode): Branch Code for Galileo (1G): P105131 URLs:

Thanks & regards,

Heba Fouad

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad777,

The Hotel Json example is based on 1V and you have 1G credentials. That is the reason it is failing to authenticate. Our demosite does not use the Json API and is using SOAP API. The Json API is for testing purposes only and not available in production. Please try using the soap api request. Please find below the link with the details. Thanks.

hebafouad777 commented 7 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik,

Thanks for the quick response, I solved the problem by add &providers=1G to the url. it's working fine for now, what is the problem with using json API instead of SOAP API which has no sample and too complex to use?

Thanks in advance.

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad777,

We do not have any JSON API Available in Production and the JSON API sample is for testing and demo purposes Only. Please use the SOAP version of UAPI for any coding purposes. Thanks.

hebafouad777 commented 7 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik,

Do TravelPort API supports different currency and different languages?

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad777,

We support different currency but that depends on the request you are running. In HotelAvailabilitySearchReq we can use a PreferredCurrency modifier to get PreferredCurrecny. Same is available for other services as well.

When you said different language did you mean programming languages. UAPI is a SOAP API so, we can code it using any programming language which supports SOAP API calls. Thanks.

hebafouad777 commented 7 years ago

No i Mean different languages other than english? eg: Arabic

vivekjyotipramanik commented 7 years ago

Hi hebafouad777,

I don't believe it supports any other languages other that english for requesting the xml. But Some languages are supported for some specific contents in AirMerchandising rich content and branding. Thanks.

hebafouad777 commented 7 years ago

Hi Vivekjyoti Pramanik,

I mean for the response eg: name of hotel in arabic not english ? i believe it's not supported either, right?