Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial

The travelport-uapi-tutorial is a Java project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air and Hotel.
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Travelport - Special service request #32

Open ratheepan opened 8 years ago

ratheepan commented 8 years ago

Hello Vivek,

i have some requirements to do with air reservation

1 meal request and

2 special service request (eg wheel chair , oxygen cylinder)

Is it possible to send above request with AirCreateReservationReq? or could you please send me some sample request format?

can i have sample request for FlightTimeTableReq'' to get First intermediate stop, Last intermediate and technical stop detailsstop?

For get NumberofStop information i am using following request. request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:com=""          xmlns:air="" 

<air:FlightInformationReq xmlns="" AuthorizedBy="user" TargetBranch="P7040885" TraceId="trace">
        <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="String" />
        <air:FlightInfoCriteria Key="HgrfU9aDRv25t+8D04g7Eg==" xmlns="" Carrier="TK" FlightNumber="731" DepartureDate="2016-02-26" />

i am getting following error Universal API/uAPI9422509294-4f737f4adW}52=eYSkError 404: SRVE0295E: Error reported: 404

is Anything missing with this request or permission problems??

Thanks in Advance

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi ratheepan,

We can book Meals and other optional services (Except Seat ) while creating a booking using AirCreateReservationReq. Please find below the link with the details and samples.

The Special Service Request or in uAPI terms , OSI(Other Service Information) can be booked while creating booking also. But OxygenCylinder is not OSI. It is an Optional Service and if the flight provides the Optional Service then only it can be booked. While WheelChair is an OSi and can be booked using the below tag during booking or UniversalRecordModify.

<com:OSI Key="?" Carrier="?" Code="?" Text="?" ProviderCode="?"/>

Please find below the sample for FlightTimeTableReq with the all the details requested.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:air="" xmlns:com="">
      <air:FlightTimeTableReq TraceId="trace" AuthorizedBy="user" TargetBranch="TargetBranch">
         <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI"/>
            <air:GeneralTimeTable StartDate="2016-02-01" EndDate="2016-03-01" IncludeConnection="true">
               <air:DaysOfOperation Mon="true" Tue="true" Wed="true" Thu="true"/>
                  <com:Airport Code="DEN"/>
                  <com:Airport Code="SYD"/>
               <air:CarrierList IncludeCarrier="true">
            <!--<air:SpecificTimeTable StartDate="" Carrier="?" FlightNumber="?">
                  <com:Airport Code="?"/>
                  <com:Airport Code="?"/>


<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
      <air:FlightTimeTableRsp TraceId="trace" TransactionId="8498BA0B0A047114C742D34208A82A7B" ResponseTime="227" xmlns:air="">
            <air:FlightTimeDetail Key="PYO9rLiOSQSygBFkPK8MJA==" VendorCode="BA" FlightNumber="218" Origin="DEN" Destination="LHR" DepartureTime="17:50:00-07:00" ArrivalTime="09:35:00+00:00" StopCount="0" Equipment="744" ScheduleStartDate="2016-02-01" ScheduleEndDate="2016-03-01" DisplayOption="true" DayChange="1" JourneyTime="525" FlightTime="525" EndTerminal="3" InsideAvailability="Y" SecureSell="SS">
               <air:DaysOfOperation Mon="true" Wed="true" Thu="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true"/>
            <air:FlightTimeDetail Key="FioXPEdUTfKmYUWpW7uvCw==" VendorCode="BA" FlightNumber="15" Origin="LHR" Destination="SYD" DepartureTime="21:45:00+00:00" ArrivalTime="06:50:00+11:00" StopCount="1" Equipment="777" ScheduleStartDate="2016-02-01" ScheduleEndDate="2016-03-01" DisplayOption="true" DayChange="2" JourneyTime="1325" FlightTime="1325" StartTerminal="5" EndTerminal="1" FirstIntermediateStop="SIN" LastIntermediateStop="SIN" InsideAvailability="Y" SecureSell="SS">
               <air:DaysOfOperation Mon="true" Tue="true" Wed="true" Thu="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true"/>

For the FlightInformationReq, please use the URL endpoint as ''

Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

ratheepan commented 8 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thank you much

FlightInformationReq request and other service reques()OSRt have bone. now i am doing SSR request with with AirCreateReservationReq. i will let you know the progress

Thank you very much for your support.

rajeshtandukar commented 6 years ago

Hi vivekjyotipramanik ,

Beside SSR, how can get information regarding services like Free Meal, Number of available seats in with LowFareSerach Request.

Regards, Rajesh

vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi rajeshtandukar,

The details if a particular AirSegment offers meals, seats etc and the number of seats, we can run the AirMerchandisingofferAvailability and Seatmapreq. Please find below the link with the complete flow samples. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.

rajeshtandukar commented 6 years ago

Hi rajeshtandukar, i run AirMerchandisingofferAvailability request but get error. Below are my request and response xml. <?xml version="1.0"?>

ARRIVES DEL TERMINAL 3 PreReservedSeatAssignment Response 400 TPGateway - Request data not found - Request ignored - service name = AirService username = Universal API/uAPI1097517480- ...... TPGateway - Request data not found - Request ignored - service name = AirService username = Universal API/uAPI1097517480- .... Regards, Rajesh
vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi rajeshtandukar,

Could you please check the below sample request and update your xml request as the below. Also, Could you please confirm the endpoint URL you are using. The above error, looks like coming from incorrect use of endpoint URL. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.