Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial

The travelport-uapi-tutorial is a Java project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air and Hotel.
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How to book married segment? #33

Open gregoryho1GID opened 8 years ago

gregoryho1GID commented 8 years ago

Hi, I tried booking QR via uAPI route CGK-JED and JED-CGK, both goes through DOH, so it will be 4 segments : CGK-DOH, DOH-JED, JED-DOH, DOH-CGK. But it always fail on segment 3 (JED-DOH). The error is 0 AVAIL/WL CLOSED. These are married segments. Even after I tried using MarriageGroup attribute in AirSegment during AirCreateReservation, the error is the same. See attached xml req/rsp. How should we book this?


vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi gregoryho1GID,

The error '0 AVAIL/WL CLOSED' is a valid error and the error means, the Flight to be booked is not available. As you are testing in PreProduction environment, it is test data and availability may vary depending on Markets, Dates and Carriers. Could you please check with a different date for the same segments. I can see there is a 'CHECK CONTINUITY SEGMENT 03' warning in the response. This may come due to timezone changes and lack of transfer time duration. Please use ContinuityCheckOverride to overcome the warning.

<com:ContinuityCheckOverride Key="1C">true</com:ContinuityCheckOverride>

I could use other dates for the same Market and Airlines and received successful response. Please find attached the request and response. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

AirCreate_QR_Req.txt AirCreate_QR_Rsp.txt

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

gregoryho1GID commented 8 years ago

Hi Vivek, Thanks for the response. I am using a test PCC on production environment. I also tried other dates and got the same response. If you say the flight is not available, it is returned in LowFareSearch response and airprice response with no warning/error. I also check in Galileo Desktop that the flight and class is available and can be book there, i.e.: we can book CGK-JED and JED-CGK on Galileo desktop. However, if we book per segment on Galileo Desktop then it also shows the same '0 AVAIL/WL CLOSED' error. Seems that uAPI also book the same way. So how is there a way to book it in uapi as a whole, i.e.: book JED-CGK instead of JED-DOH then DOH-CGK? For the ContinuityCheckOverride, does it only turn off the warning? Or does it make uapi treat the booking as JED-CGK? And what should I put in as the key? Is it a random number or does it have to refer to a segment? Thanks for your help.

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi gregoryho1GID,

As it is an issue in Production, please raise an ORS/Support ticket with the API Support Team. Please try again and upload the new transactions in ORS/Support if you are still having the issues.

The ContinuityCheckOverride will resolve the Warning and might also resolve the error, but if you are still getting the error in Production, Please raise ORS/Support Ticket.

Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik