Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial

The travelport-uapi-tutorial is a Java project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air and Hotel.
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BookingInfo@SegmentRef should correspond to the segment of the same provider as airpricing. #408

Open pzanwar03 opened 6 years ago

pzanwar03 commented 6 years ago

$TARGETBRANCH = 'P105159'; $CREDENTIALS = 'Universal API/uAPI2145928867:zeWBnhJmzkPax3RQ3g2EqMZmZ'; $Provider = '1G'; //1G/1V/1P/ACH $dateOfBirth = '1990-10-23'; $nationality = 'BD'; $firstName = 'Anwar'; $lastName = 'Pervez'; $prefix = 'Mr.'; $key = '83eKH87Q2BKAaEzYCAAAAA=='; $group = '0'; $Carrier = 'UA'; $PlatingCarrier = 'UA'; $flightNumber = '3508'; $origin = 'DEN'; $destination = 'ATL'; $deptTime = '2018-01-01T13:30:00.000-07:00'; $arrivalTime = '2018-01-01T18:29:00.000-05:00'; $flightTime = '179'; $distance = '1207'; $Gender = 'M'; $AddressName = 'Dhaka'; $City = 'Dhaka'; $Street = '12/7, Dhaka'; $State = 'BD'; $PostalCode = '1200'; $AreaCode = '880'; $CountryCode = '880'; $Location = '880'; $phnNumber = '1723777900'; $EmailID = ''; $SegmentRef = '83eKH87Q2BKAwvyYCAAAAA=='; $TypeCash = 'Cash'; $FareInfoRef = '83eKH87Q2BKA7vyYCAAAAA=='; $PricingKey = '83eKH87Q2BKANMzYCAAAAA=='; $PricingKeyTax1 = '83eKH87Q2BKAqFzYCAAAAA=='; $PricingKeyTax2 = '83eKH87Q2BKAsFzYCAAAAA=='; $PricingKeyTax3 = '83eKH87Q2BKA/FzYCAAAAA=='; $TaxInfoCat1 = 'AY'; $TaxInfoCat2 = 'US'; $TaxInfoCat3 = 'XF'; $ApproximateBasePrice = 'AUD1682.00'; $ApproximateTotalPrice = 'AUD1925.80'; $ApproximateTotalPrice = 'USD1315.36'; $ETicketability = 'Yes'; $Taxes = 'AUD121.90'; $TotalPrice = 'AUD1925.80'; $AvailabilitySource = 'S'; $ChangeOfPlane = 'false'; $ClassOfService = 'E'; $Equipment = 'E70'; $AirSegmentKey = '83eKH87Q2BKAwvyYCAAAAA=='; $LinkAvailability = 'true'; $OptionalServicesIndicator = 'false'; $TravelTime = '179'; $FlightDetailsKey = '83eKH87Q2BKAxvyYCAAAAA=='; $AirPricingInfoKey = '83eKH87Q2BKA2vyYCAAAAA=='; $LatestTicketingTime = '2017-10-19'; $PricingMethod = 'Guaranteed'; $FareInfoAmount = 'AUD420.00'; $DepartureDate = '2018-01-01'; $EffectiveDate = '2017-10-18T20:34:00.000+11:00'; $FareBasis = 'QAA4AKEN'; $FareInfoKey = '83eKH87Q2BKA7vyYCAAAAA=='; $NotValidAfter = '2018-01-01'; $NotValidBefore = '2018-01-01'; $PassengerTypeCode = 'ADT'; $TaxInfoPrice1 = 'AUD14.40'; $TaxInfoPrice2 = 'AUD45.60'; $TaxInfoPrice3 = 'AUD11.60'; $FareCalc = 'DEN UA ATL Q46.51 281.86QAA4AKEN UA DEN Q27.91 119.07KAA2AKEN USD475.35END'; $AmountAir = 'AUD255.00'; $BasePrice = "USD950.70";

    $message = <<<EOM
$AddressName $Street $City $State $PostalCode $nationality $$AddressName $Street $City $State $PostalCode $nationality 6UUVoSldxwgiBZRDJHt2jsbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TIjSPOlaHfQe5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA0v5WALzwHErO422wYI1U7fULUBEy9XlWNL9T1cqTrb1Qu0ZscBMSQ7AvMKi/VPtcuFgXNma+ANbJDYHoyJKskJ9rrxPQZUgj2LgFn3B9sPd6v9tEaRJgF5C/YIEuJEelpGL74YNUBfV6aY0vJwdwrJW8vSBNa8ZUk8OCBM1TtKc85EZM3zVwJKVlSHB0Xu17/Em5AO7H5bkrYqlhi/P2DwEsjP3R8+o53IdQLZgat+LXF0OnZRzfyOdGy3b6Vm4apfVthdbjcWfUClfmeDy+clyZsJr/NqEpPrupOmE03fmYTQcBmCwBdvhTdRV2s3CuJd+yxcvoPKMy5YV9dV3U4CXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8D1UNnHv4jb8E= $FareCalc $AmountAir OutPut Server.Business BookingInfo@SegmentRef should correspond to the segment of the same provider as airpricing. 3297 AIRSVC Business BookingInfo@SegmentRef should correspond to the segment of the same provider as airpricing. 33CFFDB70A0764781C014F287F915414 trace
vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi pzanwar03,

This error is coming cause the Key from AirSegment and SegmentRef in BookingInfo is not matching. The SegmentRef should match the Key with actual AirSegment element in a given request. Actually looks like instead of filling up the bookingRequest dynamically using the details form AirPricing, you are using them statically and that is causing the mismatch on several attribute values and elements. Please find below the complete xml flow link which might be helpful. The request should match all the details from the previous response, So AirPrice should use the response from LowFareSearch/AirAvailability, AirCreateReservationReq should use the response from AirPrice and So on. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.

raselcse10 commented 6 years ago

Hi vivekjyotipramanik ,

Thank you for your response. I have changed that and till now i'm getting "BookingInfo@SegmentRef should correspond to the segment of the same provider as airpricing." error. I'm putting this information from air price response using php script dynamically. So what's the problem? I'm attaching information please check and let me know as soon as you can. I'm waiting for your response to complete this script. airCreateRequest.txt airCreateResponse.txt airPricingResponse.txt

Thanks, Rasel

vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi raselcse10,

In the AirPricingInfo in AirReservationCreateReq you have used PlatingCarrier as 1G, which is incorrect. It should 9W. Please correct it and give it a try. Thanks.

raselcse10 commented 6 years ago

Hi vivekjyotipramanik ,

Changed and no luck. Please check this below airCreateRequest file

Rasel newAirCreateRequest.txt

vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi raselcse10,

Could you please create a Mytravelport ticket regarding this issue. Thanks.

raselcse10 commented 6 years ago

Hi vivekjyotipramanik,

Yes i did but they didn't responded yet. I need to solve this problem asap and i'm stuck in this. Please help me out.


vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi raselcse10,

If you need to prioritize the issue, Please contact your Travelport Account manager and he/she will be able to prioritize it. Thanks.

raselcse10 commented 6 years ago

Hi vivekjyotipramanik,

I informed them and they told me that they will let me know when they can. But you know i need to solve this issue asap because of i'm stuck from last 2 weeks. Hope you understand my situation.


vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi raselcse10,

As this is an API issue, we need help of the API Analyst. That is why asked you to the raise the ticket. I could not find the issue with your request and looks like this is a transaction issue. Please contact your Travelport Account manager for this. Thanks.

raselcse10 commented 6 years ago

Thank you sir.

JoshiHarshit commented 6 years ago
**resolved by adding ProviderCode="1G" to AirSegment. ** As Provider Code in response of Lowfaresearch@AirSegment is not returned , so adding it dynamicaly dosen't helps