Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial

The travelport-uapi-tutorial is a Java project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air and Hotel.
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AirPriceReq error 10 with Infant ? #453

Open tszadel opened 6 years ago

tszadel commented 6 years ago

Hi all, I try to get a price with such call below. If I remove the infant, it works very well, but if I add the field, I get an error as response... I don't get why ?

Request :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:util="" xmlns:air="" xmlns:sys="" xmlns:univ="">
    <air:AirPriceReq TraceId="80461fce-7722-436d-ae2e-ba427e547aa0" TargetBranch="P7083098" AuthorizedBy="User" LanguageCode="FR">
      <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="uAPI"/>
        <air:AirSegment Key="Jcog2B8Q2BKAEkFTAAAAAA==" Group="0" Carrier="AF" Origin="TLS" Destination="ORY" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Shop/Optimal Shop" ProviderCode="1G" FlightNumber="6111" DepartureTime="2017-12-29T08:30:00+01:00" ArrivalTime="2017-12-29T09:50:00+01:00" ClassOfService="H" AvailabilitySource=""/>
      <air:AirPricingModifiers InventoryRequestType="DirectAccess" CurrencyType="EUR">
        <air:BrandModifiers ModifierType="FareFamilyDisplay"/>
      <com:SearchPassenger Code="ADT" Age="30" DOB="1987-12-21" BookingTravelerRef="ADT_1"/>
      <com:SearchPassenger Code="INF" Age="1" DOB="2016-12-21" BookingTravelerRef="INF_2"/>
        <air:AirSegmentPricingModifiers AirSegmentRef="Jcog2B8Q2BKAEkFTAAAAAA==" FareBasisCode="HWKWFR"/>
      <com:FormOfPayment Type="Credit"/>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
      <faultstring>AppErrorSeverityLevel/1 : INVALID INPUT</faultstring>
        <common_v42_0:ErrorInfo xmlns:common_v42_0="">
          <common_v42_0:Description>Transaction failure.</common_v42_0:Description>
sudrsn85 commented 6 years ago

this is becaus this is a test environment issue with your target branch. Kindly do not use infant for some while or reach your local NDC Api Support to raise an incident on the same.