Travelport / travelport-uapi-tutorial

The travelport-uapi-tutorial is a Java project for Universal API that will help you connect and code a standard workflow including Air and Hotel.
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Currency Settings #60

Open anoopkp opened 8 years ago

anoopkp commented 8 years ago

Dear Vivek,

 In LowfareSearch, How can we set the Currency? If I am From India, I need The Price in INR, If I am In Saudi, I Need the Currency in SAR... Hope your reply .

Thanking you

Anoop Kumar.K.P MindBridge (SITN).

anoopkp commented 8 years ago

Dear Vivek,

I have another Doubt regarding the Language. Does Travelport support Multiple Languages, like Arabic and English and German etc...If So, how we set this? Hope your reply.


Anoop Kumar.K.P MindBridge(SITN)

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi Anoop,

We can ask for an Alternate Currency in LowfareSearch using CurrencyType in AprPricingModifiers. Please find below the link with all the details.

Also, we can convert currencies using CurrencyConversionReq. The CurrencyConversionService can be found inside the Util.xsd schema. Please find below the schema structure.

Regarding Multilanguage, Could you please confirm which details you are looking for in different languages. Any particular request.

Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

anoopkp commented 8 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thank you for your reply and I have added CurrencyType in LowFareSearchReq and getting the search result in the Specified Currency.
       // ========CURRENCY  
        AirPricingModifiers PrcModi = new AirPricingModifiers();
        PrcModi.CurrencyType = "INR";
        req.AirPricingModifiers = PrcModi;


But in the booking section, I am getting the Amount in SAR. In the Ticket, the Currency is coming as SAR. Need to set the CurrencyType in BookingRequest?

Hope your reply.

Thanking You

Anoop Kumar.K.P MindBridge(SITN)

anoopkp commented 8 years ago

Dear Vivek,

I have added the following Code in BookingReq

universal.AirPricingModifiers UModi = new universal.AirPricingModifiers(); UModi.CurrencyType = "INR"; airPriceinfo.AirPricingModifiers = UModi;

I am getting the ReservationResponse in "INR" and tried to Book "OMAN AIR" from Calicut to Dubai. But During the Ticketing, I am Getting an Error "TICKETING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THIS CURRENCY" Hope your reply...

Anoop Kumar.K.P

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi Anoop,

Regarding ticketing, Could you please confirm if you already signed a contract with Travelport, if So, Could you please contact your account manager to assign Virtual Printer to do successful ticketing. Without Virtual Printer, ticketing cant be done.

If you have not signed the contract yet, Please provide me your company and contact details and I will forward request to the API Support team to process further.

Regarding this particular issue, Could you please provide me the complete response, so, That we can check the logs. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

anoopkp commented 8 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thank you for your reply and I have one more Doubt regarding the airAvailMVC.AirService.typeMealService. How can we identify, whether carrier is Providing free Meals or Not?

How can we choose the meal type from the list like Breakfast,Dinner etc? Hope your reply.

Thank You Anoop Kumar.K.P MindBridge (SITN)

vivekjyotipramanik commented 8 years ago

Hi Anoop,

Details regarding Meals and the costs of meals can be retrieve using AirPricingReq/Rsp in case of PreBooking and for post booking AirMerchandisingOfferAvailabilityReq/Rsp. Again, these details depends on carrier/Airline and flights. Please find below the link with details and samples. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanks & Regards Vivekjyoti Pramanik

akv0204 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am getting error, when using AirPricingModifiers in AirCreateReservation. Please help, I have to get the results in INR. Followings are the request and response.


Server.InvalidRequestException [Error] :89:56: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'air:AirPricingModifiers'. One of '{"":FareRulesFilter, "":PolicyCodesList, "":PriceChange, "":ActionDetails}' is expected. 1000 WEBSVC Data Validation failed on request message. DD92EFAE0A076477F4CD55A0804E7B0E LastElement Text CurrencyType=INR **Request** Te colony Jsd sdf 833304 IN JET AIRWAYS INDIA SnackOrBrunch Non-smoking 6UUVoSldxwhSCGSMhCum08bKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TIjSPOlaHfQe5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA7fYdaGe+/6y1w3VjODTYW4M5ZMk8WzeqjXlzcLniLRiJHXyDAS6XXKB1LN7HC4ztqhj3ktLWAuH/VzIx8KYw82F/oTXxxF6MeJYtF79PC3YfoLT9JoAKrPwx9zlz405Al6x+NjH9R9dtfZxFTr55Afg2BMJ0qOmdTyy/Q52QOiIn7afSZw02YiF5KbABXDEdeaeJIc23zoev4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH8ONhV50oNexly5qxZ3qLwMUu+QC5Q/Q9j16lwEXoSR4Gwfk3yc1QoqQsWuqDvvAfG5VeSBH4vWJ5GwF8kqQiiA= DEL 9W BOM Q50 780W2AP08C INR830END INR3900.0 INR4200.0 MYTRIPANDMORE.COM/BAGGAGEDETAILS9W.BAGG 25K BAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC. CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE 1P UPTO15LB/7KG AND UPTO45LI/115LCM LAST DATE TO PURCHASE TICKET: 02MAR18 TICKETING AGENCY 64KS DEFAULT PLATING CARRIER 9W FARE HAS A PLATING CARRIER RESTRICTION E-TKT REQUIRED TICKETING FEES MAY APPLY GFB10101ADT00 01W2AP08C 010001#GFB200010101NADTV33029WCS00400002999V#
vivekjyotipramanik commented 6 years ago

Hi akv0204,

As per schema, the AirPricingModifiers should be placed before BaggageAllowances. Please find below the updated xml request. Thanks.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
  <soapenv:Header />
    <univ:AirCreateReservationReq xmlns:air="" xmlns:common_v42_0="" xmlns:univ="" RetainReservation="Both" TargetBranch="P105124" TraceId="c0d0f208-7fa1-49cd-abb5-312d54fa4bf2">
      <com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo xmlns:com="" OriginApplication="uAPI" />
      <com:BookingTraveler xmlns:com="" DOB="2000-04-06" Gender="M" Key="bTRADT2671" TravelerType="ADT">
        <com:BookingTravelerName First="AJAY" Last="VERMA" Prefix="MR" />
        <com:PhoneNumber AreaCode="" CountryCode="091" Location="" Number="9122226752" />
        <com:Email EmailID="" Type="Home" />
          <com:Street>Te colony</com:Street>
      <com:AgencyContactInfo xmlns:com="">
        <com:PhoneNumber Type="Agency" Location="IND" CountryCode="091" AreaCode="0657" Number="9222226752" Text="B Services"/>
      <com:FormOfPayment xmlns:com="" Key="bTRpayment'.267.'1" Type="Cash" />
      <air:AirPricingSolution Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKAze5uCAAAAA==" TotalPrice="INR2203" BasePrice="INR830" ApproximateTotalPrice="INR2203" ApproximateBasePrice="INR830" Taxes="INR1373" Fees="INR0" ApproximateTaxes="INR1373" QuoteDate="2018-03-01">
        <air:AirSegment Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKAxe5uCAAAAA==" Group="0" Carrier="9W" FlightNumber="334" ProviderCode="1G" Origin="DEL" Destination="BOM" DepartureTime="2018-03-10T18:15:00.000+05:30" ArrivalTime="2018-03-10T20:20:00.000+05:30" FlightTime="125" TravelTime="125" Distance="708" ClassOfService="W" Equipment="73H" ChangeOfPlane="false" OptionalServicesIndicator="false" AvailabilitySource="S" ParticipantLevel="Secure Sell" LinkAvailability="true" PolledAvailabilityOption="O and D cache or polled status used with different local status" AvailabilityDisplayType="Fare Specific Fare Quote Unbooked">
          <air:CodeshareInfo OperatingCarrier="9W">JET AIRWAYS INDIA</air:CodeshareInfo>
          <air:FlightDetails Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKAye5uCAAAAA==" Origin="DEL" Destination="BOM" DepartureTime="2018-03-10T18:15:00.000+05:30" ArrivalTime="2018-03-10T20:20:00.000+05:30" FlightTime="125" TravelTime="125" Equipment="73H" OriginTerminal="3" DestinationTerminal="2" AutomatedCheckin="false">
        <air:AirPricingInfo Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA1e5uCAAAAA==" TotalPrice="INR2203" BasePrice="INR830" ApproximateTotalPrice="INR2203" ApproximateBasePrice="INR830" ApproximateTaxes="INR1373" Taxes="INR1373" LatestTicketingTime="2018-03-02T23:59:00.000+11:00" PricingMethod="Manual" Refundable="true" IncludesVAT="false" ETicketability="Yes" PlatingCarrier="9W" ProviderCode="1G">
          <air:FareInfo Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA7e5uCAAAAA==" FareBasis="W2AP08C" PassengerTypeCode="ADT" Origin="DEL" Destination="BOM" EffectiveDate="2018-03-02T04:35:00.000+11:00" DepartureDate="2018-03-10" Amount="INR830" NotValidBefore="2018-03-10" NotValidAfter="2018-03-10" TaxAmount="INR1373.00">
            <air:FareSurcharge Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA8e5uCAAAAA==" Type="Other" Amount="INR50"/>
            <common_v42_0:Endorsement Value="NON ENDO"/>
            <air:FareRuleKey FareInfoRef="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA7e5uCAAAAA==" ProviderCode="1G">6UUVoSldxwhSCGSMhCum08bKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TIjSPOlaHfQe5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA7fYdaGe+/6y1w3VjODTYW4M5ZMk8WzeqjXlzcLniLRiJHXyDAS6XXKB1LN7HC4ztqhj3ktLWAuH/VzIx8KYw82F/oTXxxF6MeJYtF79PC3YfoLT9JoAKrPwx9zlz405Al6x+NjH9R9dtfZxFTr55Afg2BMJ0qOmdTyy/Q52QOiIn7afSZw02YiF5KbABXDEdeaeJIc23zoev4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH8ONhV50oNexly5qxZ3qLwMUu+QC5Q/Q9j16lwEXoSR4Gwfk3yc1QoqQsWuqDvvAfG5VeSBH4vWJ5GwF8kqQiiA=</air:FareRuleKey>
            <air:Brand Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA7e5uCAAAAA==" BrandFound="false" UpSellBrandFound="false"/>
          <air:BookingInfo BookingCode="W" CabinClass="Economy" FareInfoRef="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA7e5uCAAAAA==" SegmentRef="ZOIxDH7Q2BKAxe5uCAAAAA==" HostTokenRef="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA0e5uCAAAAA=="/>
          <air:TaxInfo Category="IN" Amount="INR13" Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA2e5uCAAAAA=="/>
          <air:TaxInfo Category="K3" Amount="INR93" Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA3e5uCAAAAA=="/>
          <air:TaxInfo Category="WO" Amount="INR242" Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA4e5uCAAAAA=="/>
          <air:TaxInfo Category="YQ" Amount="INR900" Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA5e5uCAAAAA=="/>
          <air:TaxInfo Category="YR" Amount="INR125" Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA6e5uCAAAAA=="/>
          <air:FareCalc>DEL 9W BOM Q50 780W2AP08C INR830END</air:FareCalc>
          <air:PassengerType Code="ADT"/>
          <air:AirPricingModifiers CurrencyType="INR"/>
            <air:BaggageAllowanceInfo TravelerType="ADT" Origin="DEL" Destination="BOM" Carrier="9W">
              <air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="1stChecked">
                    <air:Text>CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE</air:Text>
              <air:BagDetails ApplicableBags="2ndChecked">
                    <air:Text>CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE</air:Text>
            <air:CarryOnAllowanceInfo Origin="DEL" Destination="BOM" Carrier="9W">
              <air:CarryOnDetails ApplicableCarryOnBags="1" BasePrice="INR0" ApproximateBasePrice="INR0" TotalPrice="INR0" ApproximateTotalPrice="INR0">
                    <air:Text>UPTO15LB/7KG AND UPTO45LI/115LCM</air:Text>
        <air:FareNote Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA/e5uCAAAAA==">LAST DATE TO PURCHASE TICKET: 02MAR18</air:FareNote>
        <air:FareNote Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKAAf5uCAAAAA==">TICKETING AGENCY 64KS</air:FareNote>
        <air:FareNote Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKABf5uCAAAAA==">DEFAULT PLATING CARRIER 9W</air:FareNote>
        <air:FareNote Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKADf5uCAAAAA==">E-TKT REQUIRED</air:FareNote>
        <air:FareNote Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKAEf5uCAAAAA==">TICKETING FEES MAY APPLY</air:FareNote>
        <common_v42_0:HostToken Key="ZOIxDH7Q2BKA0e5uCAAAAA==">GFB10101ADT00 01W2AP08C 010001#GFB200010101NADTV33029WCS00400002999V#</common_v42_0:HostToken>
      <com:ActionStatus xmlns:com="" ProviderCode="1G" TicketDate="2018-03-05T18:07:53" Type="TAW" />
akv0204 commented 6 years ago

Thanks vivekjyotipramanik, It worked.

-- Ajay