TravisGesslein / idleraiders-second-run

Bug-tracking repository for the Idle Raiders re-release (codenamed '2nd run')
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Huge list of suggestions and bugs #548

Open Jubetsu90 opened 7 years ago

Jubetsu90 commented 7 years ago

Bugs: B1: Can't attach Scroll of Brotherhood in hotkey bar

B2: The new kill counter and reward thing is not doing so great with other UI i.e. when it's behind equipment window, you can't click what's in that spot. Also description jumps up over UI's. Also a problem with other UI stuff, like status character window.

B3: Equipping a snapshot sometimes uses spells with wrong enchants (Bulwark with +duration was replaced with -cooldown as both were in my inventory)

B4: Skill priority order resets every goddamn time you change swap skills. This is a huge flaw, please fix it asap.

Suggestions: S1: From earlier post: something to test your single raiders dps or healing. Knowing the total dps of your raid is useless. Total healing might be still useful. Also there's no knowing which raider was healed, which passive skills procced etc etc. A lot to fix on training department. One way to go (once single raider training is added) would be a combat report telling everything that is happening to the raider. This is pretty basic for RPG's.

S2: Also from earlier, enemy information, average gold/exp per second etc.

S3: Mentioned in chat: Automatic gear changer. My farming gear is full of xp swords which are useless in raids. Also I use different skills when casually farming. If I want to keep auto-raiding I can't equip my farming gear or i'd need to swap every single time from raid to farm to raid. Setting conditions for automatic gear swap would be nice. i.e. entering raid - swap to raid gear. As different bosses have different strategies, this could be expanded to more detailed conditions.

S4: Easier snapshot swap. Maybe right-clicking the raiders face could bring out droplist of snapshots. Also easier snapshot updating would be nice, now you have to delete the set and make a new one.

S5: Binding items to an inventory slot. As a control freak it's frustrating when I've organized my inventory, swap snapshot and everything is misplaced again (at least unique items). Maybe they would somehow work their way back to the slot they were in / bound to. One way to do this would be, maybe, a button in inventory that allows this. After clicking, when you equip/use any item, for example a unique one, it would leave the sprite in inventory with "0" in stack quantity. Moving the stack of 0 would allow the game to remember where to allocate this kinds of items. To remove the stack you would just right-click it or turn of the feature from inventory button.

S6: Better view at your cosmetics. Usually when customizing my looks I need to wait for a minute for my warrior to kill a few mobs to get a glimpse at what he looks like at the moment

S7: Show buffs and debuffs of selected raider (maybe clicking the head could show him as a target like when you target an enemy.) This has to do with S1, I need to know if my warrior has rejuvenation on him etc.

S8: I'd personally prefer if items wouldn't need to taken away from inventory/equipment if it's used as a cosmetic. Also equipping multiple weapons seems to be swapping your cosmetic sometimes (if none of them are spent in the cosmetic slot.)

S9: Enchantment strength should depend on your current WAIR-level instead of whatever WAIR-level you had when you enchanted the spellbook. I don't want to re-enchant my gear every WAIR-level just to get slightly better enchants.

S10: Would be a big one, but maybe apply some kind of modifiable conditions to skill using, in addition to simple priority order and the handful of raider upgrades. Or just add a shitload of raider upgrades affecting skill use logic. Just remember to make them affordable

S11: There's a ton of ways to re-order your inventory except the most logical and most needed: By class

S12: The show map-button should only have one function at a time. If you're in farm/raid/training map, it takes you to base. If you're at base it takes you where raiders are. There's no need for anything else and picking the right option every single time is annoying. This was first suggested by someone else

S13: Choosing an action is annoying too. There's a button for farming, there's another for farming but increasing map, also a button for farming and raiding, also different button for raiding a single raid... ugh. The way I see it there should be 2 buttons: one chooses the current action (raid, farm, train, rest) which are ALWAYS IN THE SAME ORDER. This would only affect what your raiders will start doing right now.

The other would open auto-action settings:

  1. What to auto-farm? For example farm this level, increase until level 20, increase farming level forever
  2. What to auto-raid? Select raids for auto-raiding and HOW MANY TIMES TO TRY THEM. Sometimes my raiders keep going on raids I know they can't beat and they just waste my time and kill my mercs when auto-raiding. I don't want them to auto-raid these. Also sometimes raiders will go to say Frozen shore and be defeated by the last group. If they would try again with just third group alive, they would beat the raid. Impossible with current auto-raid.

Both auto-raiding and auto-farming could naturally be turned off from the menu too. This also solves another problem: If I select a new farming level and want to keep farming it while auto-raiding, I need to select auto-raiding mode which makes my raiders go back to the raid they can't beat until they can keep farming the level.

S14: You can't really know which raiders are dead on a raid or farm, except if you count them and deduct. Some kind of symbol for when the raider is resting at base?

There's also a lot of confusion about the details of skill mechanics etc. which are very important when planning on strategies. Would be nice to be able to get some info somewhere. Thanks a lot for reading all that, must've taken a while

Jubetsu90 commented 7 years ago

Even if you're not going to go with the menu-button fixes, at least make the buttons stop switching order