Closed jamievlin closed 6 years ago
Hey, this is interesting. I'm not seeing in any configuration I can work through.
On an existing markdown file (file that the plugin is configured to run on).
On a new markdown file.
On a new tex file, which the plugin is not configured to run on.
What version of VS Code are you using, and what other plugins are you using? 1000+ errors does make it hard to use, so I empathize that it's a pretty terrible experience for you.
Try repeatedely editing and saving. (Can be a minor edit lijke adding spaces or new line). The old error doesn't go away, and new warnings keep popping up.
I use vscode 1.27.1 on Arch Linux with extensions
akamud.vscode-theme-onedark akamud.vscode-theme-onelight alefragnani.Bookmarks ban.spellright bierner.color-info chenxsan.vscode-standardjs christian-kohler.npm-intellisense circledev.glsl-canvas DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint donjayamanne.githistory donjayamanne.jupyter dracula-theme.theme-dracula eamodio.gitlens eg2.vscode-npm-script Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme esbenp.prettier-vscode HookyQR.beautify Ionide.Ionide-fsharp itryapitsin.Scala James-Yu.latex-workshop kdarkhan.mips kirozen.wordcounter lfurzewaddock.vscode-opn mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode maptz.regionfolder ms-python.python ms-vscode.Theme-MaterialKit ms-vscode.atom-keybindings ms-vscode.cpptools ms-vscode.csharp ms-vscode.PowerShell naumovs.color-highlight PKief.material-icon-theme robertohuertasm.vscode-icons Shan.code-settings-sync sidneys1.gitconfig slevesque.shader supakornras.asymptote travisthetechie.write-good-linter vscjava.vscode-java-debug vscjava.vscode-java-pack vscjava.vscode-java-test vscjava.vscode-maven wayou.vscode-todo-highlight wesbos.theme-cobalt2
This appears to be a regression in 1.26. I'll be following up with the VS Code team, I'm not sure if I can mitigate it or not.
As some notes for myself, the calls to languages.createDiagnosticCollection
are duplicating the diagnostic collections, I can see the "owner" in the debugger not match, making me thing this is the cause for the mismatch later.
First load
Later loads (all +1 the owner)
vscode team asserts that the previous behavior was wrong. I think I have a fix for it. Check out release v0.0.9 which should show up on any time now.
How to reproduce:
Create a new file (LaTeX, md, doesn't matter). Write "Unfortunately, not a good way". Save and reload. See 24+ errors saying "Unfortunately can weaken meaning".
On my LaTeX documents, the errors can reach 1000+ errors by this duplicate.