TrebleDroid / treble_experimentations

Scripts to automatically build/CI/Release TrebleDroid GSI
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Launch shell script at boot time and network change #28

Closed ED4free closed 1 year ago

ED4free commented 1 year ago

Hello all, I use this system : https:/ */ I want to launch a shell script a boot time, and another when the devices is put in access point mod. I do the same than I did on others system from PHH, but this time it does not work.

Here is what I do :

In /etc/init , I put a file called edphone.rc, I make a "chmod +x" on it, This file contains : on property:sys.boot_completed=1 exec u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0 root -- /system/bin/ on"ap0" exec u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0 root -- /system/bin/ on"wlan0" exec u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0 root -- /system/bin/

The two shell scripts are in /system/bin, with "chmod +x"' But the are not executed.

Have you an idea of the reason ?

Thanks a lot.



ED4free commented 1 year ago

I guess it is a problem like for selinux permissive not working on this smartphone due to a heavy protection. Anyway, I no more need it. It was for mounting an ext4 external SD at boot. As it is for using Linux Deploy I make the mount in Linux Deploy setting.