Closed ShikiSuen closed 3 months ago
这个 issue 假定该仓库的主人是 UIGF 群的 Haruhikage。如果不是的话,那这个 issue 可能跑题了。
生成 Gacha Metadata 资料库呢,图的就是一个新鲜。Dimbreath 的资料库是最新鲜的,但也是最原始的资料。 我这边用 Swift 搞了个 GachaMetaDB JSON 生成脚本,估计你能用上。
{ "1001" : { "id" : 1001, "l10nMap" : { "de-de" : "7. März", "en-us" : "March 7th", "es-es" : "Siete de Marzo", "fr-fr" : "March 7th", "id-id" : "March 7th", "ja-jp" : "三月なのか", "ko-kr" : "Mar. 7th", "pt-pt" : "7 de Março", "ru-ru" : "Март 7", "th-th" : "March 7th", "vi-vn" : "March 7th", "zh-cn" : "三月七", "zh-tw" : "三月七" }, "nameTextMapHash" : -531793651, "rank" : 4 }, "24004" : { "id" : 24004, "l10nMap" : { "de-de" : "Unermüdliche Berechnung", "en-us" : "Eternal Calculus", "es-es" : "Cálculo interminable", "fr-fr" : "Calcul éternel", "id-id" : "Eternal Calculus", "ja-jp" : "絶え間ない演算", "ko-kr" : "멈추지 않는 연산", "pt-pt" : "Cálculo Ininterrupto", "ru-ru" : "Беспрерывные вычисления", "th-th" : "Eternal Calculus", "vi-vn" : "Ngoại Suy Vô Tận", "zh-cn" : "不息的演算", "zh-tw" : "不息的演算" }, "nameTextMapHash" : 330597463, "rank" : 5 } }
原始脚本,直接在终端机里面跑 然后用 pipeline 输出到 JSON 即可。
// (c) 2023 and onwards Pizza Studio (GPL v3.0 License). // ==================== // This code is released under the GPL v3.0 License (SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0) import Foundation // MARK: - ProtagonistDetector public enum ProtagonistDetector { case ofCaelus case ofStelle // MARK: Lifecycle public init?(rawValue: Int) { switch rawValue { case 8001, 8003, 8005, 8007, 8009, 8011, 8013, 8015: self = .ofCaelus case 8002, 8004, 8006, 8008, 8010, 8012, 8014, 8016: self = .ofStelle default: return nil } } public init?(against target: GachaItemMeta) { guard let map = target.l10nMap, map.description.contains(#"{NICKNAME}"#) else { return nil } self = ( % 2 == 0) ? .ofStelle : .ofCaelus } } // MARK: - GachaDictLang public enum GachaDictLang: String, CaseIterable, Sendable, Identifiable { case langCHS case langCHT case langDE case langEN case langES case langFR case langID case langJP case langKR case langPT case langRU case langTH case langVI // MARK: Public public static let tableStelle = [ "de-de": "Stella", "en-us": "Stelle", "es-es": "Estela", "fr-fr": "Stelle", "id-id": "Stelle", "ja-jp": "星", "ko-kr": "스텔레", "pt-pt": "Stelle", "ru-ru": "Стелла", "th-th": "Stelle", "vi-vn": "Stelle", "zh-cn": "星", "zh-tw": "星", ] public static let tableCaelus = [ "de-de": "Caelus", "en-us": "Caelus", "es-es": "Caelus", "fr-fr": "Caelus", "id-id": "Caelus", "ja-jp": "穹", "ko-kr": "카일루스", "pt-pt": "Caelus", "ru-ru": "Келус", "th-th": "Caelus", "vi-vn": "Caelus", "zh-cn": "穹", "zh-tw": "穹", ] public var id: String { langID } public var langID: String { switch self { case .langCHS: "zh-cn" case .langCHT: "zh-tw" case .langDE: "de-de" case .langEN: "en-us" case .langES: "es-es" case .langFR: "fr-fr" case .langID: "id-id" case .langJP: "ja-jp" case .langKR: "ko-kr" case .langPT: "pt-pt" case .langRU: "ru-ru" case .langTH: "th-th" case .langVI: "vi-vn" } } public var filename: String { rawValue.replacingOccurrences(of: "lang", with: "TextMap").appending(".json") } public var url: URL! { URL(string: """\(filename) """) } } // MARK: - QualityType public enum QualityType: String, Codable { case v5sp = "QUALITY_ORANGE_SP" case v5 = "QUALITY_ORANGE" case v4 = "QUALITY_PURPLE" case v3 = "QUALITY_BLUE" case v2 = "QUALITY_GREEN" case v1 = "QUALITY_GRAY" // MARK: Internal var asrank: Int { switch self { case .v5, .v5sp: return 5 case .v4: return 4 case .v3: return 3 case .v2: return 2 case .v1: return 1 } } } // MARK: - NameHashUnit public struct NameHashUnit: Codable { public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case hash = "Hash" } public let hash: Int } // MARK: - GachaItemMeta public class GachaItemMeta: Codable { // MARK: Lifecycle public init(id: Int, rank: Int, nameTextMapHash: Int) { = id self.rank = rank self.nameTextMapHash = nameTextMapHash } // MARK: Public public let id: Int public let rank: Int public let nameTextMapHash: Int public var l10nMap: [String: String]? public var isCharacter: Bool { id <= 9999 } } // MARK: - RawItemFetchModelProtocol public protocol RawItemFetchModelProtocol { var id: Int { get } var nameTextMapHash: Int { get } var rarity: Int { get } } // MARK: - AvatarRawItem public class AvatarRawItem: Codable, RawItemFetchModelProtocol { // MARK: Lifecycle public required init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id) self.nameTextMapHash = (try container.decode(NameHashUnit.self, forKey: .nameTextMapHash)).hash let rawRarityText = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .rarity) self.rarity = Int(rawRarityText.last?.description ?? "3") ?? 3 } // MARK: Public public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case id = "AvatarID" case nameTextMapHash = "AvatarName" case rarity = "Rarity" } public let id: Int public let nameTextMapHash: Int public let rarity: Int } // MARK: - WeaponRawItem public class WeaponRawItem: Codable, RawItemFetchModelProtocol { // MARK: Lifecycle public required init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id) self.nameTextMapHash = (try container.decode(NameHashUnit.self, forKey: .nameTextMapHash)).hash let rawRarityText = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .rarity) self.rarity = Int(rawRarityText.last?.description ?? "3") ?? 3 } // MARK: Public public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case id = "EquipmentID" case nameTextMapHash = "EquipmentName" case rarity = "Rarity" } public let id: Int public let nameTextMapHash: Int public let rarity: Int } extension RawItemFetchModelProtocol { public func toGachaItemMeta() -> GachaItemMeta { .init(id: id, rank: rarity, nameTextMapHash: nameTextMapHash) } } let urlHeader = """ """ let urlAvatarJSON = URL(string: urlHeader + "AvatarConfig.json")! let urlWeaponJSON = URL(string: urlHeader + "EquipmentConfig.json")! func fetchAvatars() async throws -> [GachaItemMeta] { let (data, _) = try await urlAvatarJSON) let response = try JSONDecoder().decode([String: AvatarRawItem].self, from: data) return { $0.value.toGachaItemMeta() } } func fetchWeapons() async throws -> [GachaItemMeta] { let (data, _) = try await urlWeaponJSON) let response = try JSONDecoder().decode([String: WeaponRawItem].self, from: data) return { $0.value.toGachaItemMeta() } } let items = try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: [GachaItemMeta].self, returning: [GachaItemMeta].self) { taskGroup in taskGroup.addTask { try await fetchAvatars() } taskGroup.addTask { try await fetchWeapons() } var images = [GachaItemMeta]() for try await result in taskGroup { images.append(contentsOf: result) } return images } let neededHashIDs = Set<String>(\.nameTextMapHash.description)) // MARK: - Get translations from AnimeGameData let dictAll = try await withThrowingTaskGroup( of: (subDict: [String: String], lang: GachaDictLang).self, returning: [String: [String: String]].self ) { taskGroup in GachaDictLang.allCases.forEach { locale in taskGroup.addTask { let (data, _) = try await locale.url) var dict = try JSONDecoder().decode([String: String].self, from: data) let keysToRemove = Set<String>(dict.keys).subtracting(neededHashIDs) keysToRemove.forEach { dict.removeValue(forKey: $0) } if locale == .langJP { dict.keys.forEach { theKey in guard dict[theKey]?.contains("{RUBY") ?? false else { return } if let rawStrToHandle = dict[theKey], rawStrToHandle.contains("{") { dict[theKey] = rawStrToHandle.replacingOccurrences( of: #"\{RUBY.*?\}"#, with: "", options: .regularExpression ) } } } return (subDict: dict, lang: locale) } } var results = [String: [String: String]]() for try await result in taskGroup { results[result.lang.langID] = result.subDict } return results } // MARK: - Apply translations items.forEach { currentItem in GachaDictLang.allCases.forEach { localeID in let hashKey = currentItem.nameTextMapHash.description guard let dict = dictAll[localeID.langID]?[hashKey] else { return } if currentItem.l10nMap == nil { currentItem.l10nMap = [:] } currentItem.l10nMap?[localeID.langID] = dict } } // MARK: - Prepare Dictionary. var dict: [String: GachaItemMeta] = [:] items.forEach { item in guard let desc = item.l10nMap?.description, !desc.contains("测试") else { return } let key = protagonistName: switch ProtagonistDetector(against: item) { case .ofCaelus: item.l10nMap = GachaDictLang.tableCaelus case .ofStelle: item.l10nMap = GachaDictLang.tableStelle default: break protagonistName } dict[key] = item } let encoder = JSONEncoder() encoder.outputFormatting = [.sortedKeys, .prettyPrinted] let encoded = String(data: try encoder.encode(dict), encoding: .utf8) print(encoded ?? "Error happened.") NSLog("All Tasks Done.")
这个脚本还可以弄成机器人,监视 Dimbreath 的仓库变化,一有变化就立刻生成新的资料且自动开 PR。
上述内容已经整合到这个 SPM 里面了:
这个 issue 假定该仓库的主人是 UIGF 群的 Haruhikage。如果不是的话,那这个 issue 可能跑题了。
生成 Gacha Metadata 资料库呢,图的就是一个新鲜。Dimbreath 的资料库是最新鲜的,但也是最原始的资料。 我这边用 Swift 搞了个 GachaMetaDB JSON 生成脚本,估计你能用上。
原始脚本,直接在终端机里面跑 然后用 pipeline 输出到 JSON 即可。
这个脚本还可以弄成机器人,监视 Dimbreath 的仓库变化,一有变化就立刻生成新的资料且自动开 PR。