Trendyol / baklava

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[Component]: Calendar component #795

Closed dilandoogan closed 3 weeks ago

dilandoogan commented 5 months ago

Figma Design Document

General Usage Example




Attribute Description Default Value
type(string) Enables to select dates single, multiple or range single
min-date(Date,string) All dates before the given date will be disabled null
max-date(Date,string) All dates after the given date will be disabled null
value (Date,Date[]) Initially selected date null
start-of-week (number) number 0-6, 0 – Sunday, 6 – Saturday, defaults to 1 – Monday 1
allowDeselect (boolean) Determines whether user can deselect the date by clicking on selected item, applicable only when range-picker="false" false
disabledDates (Date,Date[]) Defines disabled dates null


Event Description Return Value
bl-calendar-change Event will pass selected date to the parent component Date,Date[]


fatihhayri commented 5 months ago

Rules section "It will have two mode such as single and range." but type "Enables to select dates single, multiple or range"

ozkersemih commented 5 months ago

In rules, there is User can define locale string to change language of the calendar sentence. So, I thought there might be a property like locale or something like that to set language.

erbilnas commented 5 months ago

In rules, there is User can define locale string to change language of the calendar sentence. So, I thought there might be a property like locale or something like that to set language.

As far as I recall, we discussed using our localization module for this purpose. We shouldn’t need to retrieve any additional properties for it.