Trentonom0r3 / After-Diffusion

A CEP Extension for Adobe After Effects that allows for seamless integration of the Stable Diffusion Web-UI.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Temporal Coherence in Generated Videos #1

Open Trentonom0r3 opened 1 year ago

Trentonom0r3 commented 1 year ago

Describe the solution you'd like A detailed temporal coherence function utilizing optical flow, among other methods, to achieve temporal coherence.

Describe alternatives you've considered Tried EBSynth, need something more robust. I'm wondering if datamoshing techniques could be used in a way that could help achieve our goals, when layered with optical flow and other options like temporal smoothing.

Additional context Suggestions from Aerial_1 on Reddit: "It's been figured out back in the GAN days, then applied to disco diffusion, and then finally stable warp diffusion, although locked behind a patreon paywall. There are also extensions for A1111 Webui like this temporal kit but it's mostly based on ebsynth and doesn't do true temporal warping that I have in mind with these other links.

Now I'm tearing my hair out here because the core principle afaik is a quite simple loop:

do img2img

warp result based on optical flow vectors

blend result with next frame (customizable ratio)

repeat img2img with this new blended result

And I haven't found an easy interface to run this with my own flow vectors (made form 3d software)

Stable warp fussion I think does this and adds a ton of bells and whistles (documented in authors patreon), most of which just overlaps with what webui does anyway. For creative animation use workflows, feels like the entire SD community is bottlenecked with this one notebook behind a paywall. I think the author of it is rightfully collecting monetary support for how much work he's putting into it, but I figured the base warp method should be easy enough to implement anywhere."

Trentonom0r3 commented 1 year ago

Another Option; Create custom controlnet that uses optical flow from the input image to inform the generation.

aulerius commented 1 year ago

Just discovered this implementation: The commonality between all successful methods seems to be using RAFT for optical flow estimation and warping according to it.

Trentonom0r3 commented 1 year ago

Just discovered this implementation: The commonality between all successful methods seems to be using RAFT for optical flow estimation and warping according to it.

Now the choice seems to be to either adjust that Repo to have an endpoint, or try and create my own ControlNet preprocessor and model for the main ControlNet Extension.

aulerius commented 1 year ago

Just discovered this implementation: The commonality between all successful methods seems to be using RAFT for optical flow estimation and warping according to it.

Now the choice seems to be to either adjust that Repo to have an endpoint, or try and create my own ControlNet preprocessor and model for the main ControlNet Extension.

What do you mean by ControlNet? To adapt motion vector warping into a ControlNet - like implementation?

It seems also the api is planned by the developer of that project

melMass commented 1 year ago

There is also this :)

Trentonom0r3 commented 1 year ago

AHHA! I've figured it out... Kind of.

EBSynth makes things quick and easy, but often fails with more complex motion, and runs into issues with incoherence due to the nature of keyframes. Even when generating as a grid, there's often still temporal coherence issues to a degree.

The following method is quite a bit more detailed, but I believe that if utilized properly, could output some incredible results! (I have some newer tests to share that I'll upload later.)

At its core, it feels like a variation of old-school roto-animation, but with a lot of newer bells and whistles.

Roto - Animation is the process of drawing/painting over live action frames to create an animated/ drawn version of the original frame. (Also used as a guide for motion, actions, etc.)

AE has a great rotoscope tool, and, provides access to Mocha. These tools combined with content aware fill are highly valuable.

Here is what I call the Iterative Roto-Fill Process, or IRFP for short:

These steps can be done using EBSynth as well, but I find performing the steps in AE is a bit more streamlined, and a bit more integrated.

Essentially you need to rotoscope all important areas of your input, and split your input into sections.

For example; you have an input of a person talking/moving their hands. You'd create at bare minimum, a mask/roto for the head, the hands, torso, and/or legs.

For further refinement, you can mask out smaller areas of the face, and break it into chunks-- nose, eyes, mouth, forehead, etc.

For each smaller patch, you'll perform content aware fill over that area.

For larger areas with minimal motion (such as the movement of torso) You can use a single keyframe and get great results.

For areas with greater motion, you'd create 4-5 keyframes (I've found that 7-8 gives a great result) and perform content aware fill.

You repeat this process for each divided section of your input, and on your completed fills, iterate through the areas where you find consistencies. If it's an area with larger motion, you probably need more keyframes. If it's an area such as a forehead, cheeks, other areas where there's slight motion, but nothing on the level of mouth or eye movement, you can use a keyframe or two to enhance the coherence.

By iterating through the patches like this, you have a lot more control over how the final output looks, and can more easily fix inconsistencies.

For further refinement, using Mocha AE to track and break up the patches more accurately can lead to an even more coherent result.

After a final pass, you can use the facial tracking data from your input to warp your stylized video even further.

This is still a workflow in progress, but each new method discovered is leading to better and better results.

I'll be posting an example I made using this method later tonight!