When looking at docs for Bloom I can see empty canvas box with console message saying:
framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1 TypeError: Class constructor ue cannot be invoked without 'new'
at guide_effects_bloom.md.7kCtuEBS.js:1:914
at Object.i [as default] (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:16078)
at Proxy.<anonymous> (useRouteDisposal.tyh0ETgK.js:3645:321145)
at ei (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:16394)
at Mi.F [as fn] (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:49505)
at Mi.run (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:4163)
at B.p.update (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:49779)
at B (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:49805)
at ie (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:48650)
at V (framework.8oxMyIc2.js:1:48444)
When looking at docs for Bloom I can see empty canvas box with console message saying: