Trevoke / org-gtd.el

A package for using GTD with org-mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rename incubate to tickle #175

Open doolio opened 1 year ago

doolio commented 1 year ago

Incubate is an action that falls under step 3 (organize) of the GTD methodology. After the user clarifies (step 2) the captured item (from step 1) the incubate action org-gtd-incubate should move the item to a someday/maybe file e.g. It should not be assigned a date or time otherwise it will appear in the users agenda when they may not want to see it and therefore be forced to remove it from view. Instead, the user should reflect (step 4) on their someday/maybe list as part of their weekly review and decide then whether to make it an active project/task. This would then involve moving (organize, step 3) the someday/maybe item to the appropriate place in the system.

Trevoke commented 1 year ago

I think this isn't quite right.

Incubate is an umbrella term for "someday/maybe" and "tickler", which are just two different techniques for incubating.

The tickler needs a date/time, because that's the point of the tickler, it shows up at some point.

The someday/maybe doesn't take a date/time because it's a more manual approach: review as you like.

So this issue should probably be "rename incubate to tickler", instead of assuming an entire workflow, because after all, right now it's doing exactly what the tickler should do.

Directly to respond to what you wrote:

Instead, the user should reflect (step 4) on their someday/maybe list as part of their weekly review and decide then whether to make it an active project/task. This would then involve moving (organize, step 3) the someday/maybe item to the appropriate place in the system.

The user should reflect on their someday/maybe at some point, not necessarily weekly review. And deciding to act on it would likely involve CLARIFYING before organizing, because a random idea won't be sufficiently fleshed out to be actionable.

doolio commented 1 year ago

Incubate is an umbrella term for "someday/maybe" and "tickler", which are just two different techniques for incubating.

Ah ok. I was just working off the workflow diagram @srijan shared on discord. ~It references tickler in more than one place i.e. the other place is not associated with incubate.~ It actually doesn't. Just in one place but away from incubate.

So this issue should probably be "rename incubate to tickler", instead of assuming an entire workflow, because after all, right now it's doing exactly what the tickler should do.

OK, so we will need to implement incubate at some point.

The user should reflect on their someday/maybe at some point, not necessarily weekly review. And deciding to act on it would likely involve CLARIFYING before organizing, because a random idea won't be sufficiently fleshed out to be actionable.

Right, but shouldn't it be clarified before it is moved to a someday/maybe file?

Trevoke commented 1 year ago

The diagram does reference the tickler in one more place, because the tickler is an extremely calendar-like tool.

The item should be clarified before it's moved to a someday/maybe file, but clarifying an item that goes to someday/maybe takes a different amount of effort and detail than clarifying an item that you're going to actually act on, don't you think?

doolio commented 1 year ago

but clarifying an item that goes to someday/maybe takes a different amount of effort and detail than clarifying an item that you're going to actually act on, don't you think?

Yes, it certainly should involve less mental effort.

srijan commented 1 year ago

What exactly are we talking about renaming? The org-gtd-incubate.el file? The org-gtd-incubate function that's called by C-c c when organising?

From an end-user point of view, I think both the "incubate to ticker" and "incubate to someday/maybe" options should be presented with different keybindings in the C-c c menu.

doolio commented 1 year ago

Right now IIUC all occurrences of incubate.

From an end-user point of view, I think both the "incubate to ticker" and "incubate to someday/maybe" options should be presented with different keybindings in the C-c c menu.

Right, and to differentiate the two I proposed to use different words for the two actions namely incubate and tickle - see issue #176.

srijan commented 1 year ago

Actually, thinking a little more from user perspective, maybe what I want is to be presented with 2 options: Incubate with reminder, and Incubate without reminder.

Theses two should probably send the task to the same file, just that one has a reminder date, and another does not. This also makes sense if I have separate "Someday/Maybe" headers for work and personal.

We don't really need a separate tickler file in orgmode.

Trevoke commented 1 year ago

@srijan What do you think about this:

If that works for you, then all we're really trying to say, I think, is that when org-gtd uses the word "incubate" currently, it really means that the user is forced to use ONE type of incubation, the tickler, and that we want to make room for the package to also provide "someday/maybe".

doolio commented 1 year ago

Actually, thinking a little more from user perspective, maybe what I want is to be presented with 2 options: Incubate with reminder, and Incubate without reminder.

I think we are saying the same thing just in different ways. I just refer to the "Incubate with reminder" as org-gtd-tickle.

Theses two should probably send the task to the same file, just that one has a reminder date, and another does not.

But that is not what is suggested by the diagram you shared. "Incubate with reminder" items are added to the calendar and "Incubate without reminder" are added to someday/maybe lists/folders.

Trevoke commented 1 year ago

@doolio don't get too hung up on the diagram. Diagrams allow you to think, they don't tell you The One Right Way.