Open LukeZBaker opened 1 year ago
Hey appreciate you trying out the software, I'm curious about request #2. What would be preferable to adding to queue? Is the idea that you click on a folder and it Auto plays until something else is clicked? If you fuge more Details id be glad to implement.
Currently, when you press enter on a highlighted track in the Browser pane, it just plays the song and then stops. It would be much better if the software just carries on playing all the songs listed below the song that was selected.
Another way would be to add a keyboard shortcut that adds all the songs contained in a folder to the queue.
Or a keyboard shortcut that plays all songs in a folder when the keyboard shortcut is pressed on the folder name.
I think the first way is the best, it just makes sense really.
Anything that means the user doesn't have to queue 50 songs - many music albums have lots of tracks.
I've just stumbled upon your music player. It's the leanest music player I've ever seen, with ps_mem reporting a memory footprint under 7MB of RAM. Wow!
While I appreciate adding features will increase the memory footprint, there are a few things that would really enhance your music player.
1) Gapless playback (most Linux music players offer this). It’s an essential feature if, like myself, you listen to classical, electronic music, concept albums, and progressive rock. Gapless playback means tracks flow into the next song without pause. This allows seamless transitions from track to track. 2) The ability to listen to a folder without having to add all the tracks into the queue. 3) Forward/back by an interval in seconds in a track.
I'll be writing a review which hopefully will help publicize it!