TreyWW / MyFinances

MyFinances is a web application that can help you as an individual, or team, manage your finances!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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rewrite: quota system #403

Open TreyWW opened 3 weeks ago

TreyWW commented 3 weeks ago

The quota system feels a bit clunky and everything is so rubbishly thought out. If anyone would like to help me refactor it and fully re-think it's architecture please add a comment!

Domejko commented 3 weeks ago

I would like to participate. What's the main idea for the payments ? You think of having like let say 3 - 4 account tiers and just that, or maybe with a possibility to by additional quotas ? Some kind of free trials or just basic free account with small quota usage ? Either way it's good to think of now on storing and checking users IP addresses as well does user use VPN.

As for quota architecture it self after brief looking through the code I think we should implement check for the quota usage as a middleware to avoid repetitive checks through out the code.

TreyWW commented 3 weeks ago

Incredible idea for the middleware. I'll have a think about all the things tomorrow and mind map it. But from off the top of my head payments may go like this:

If you'd like to talk more about this feel free to take it to the discord channel, I always miss GitHub notifications but always seem to catch discord ones.

Appreciate the interest!