TriBITS: Tribal Build, Integrate, and Test System,
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Add version check and calls to cmake_minimum_required() (#522) #523

Closed bartlettroscoe closed 2 years ago

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

Addresses #522. See git commit log msg for more details.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

@KyleFromKitware, can you please give this a quick review.

I might merge and allow you to do a post-merge review depending on how my Trilinos testing goes. I want to get a Trilinos PR with an updated TriBITS 'master' posted as soon as I can.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

I tested this against Trilinos branch and version:

$ gitdist-status --dist-repos=.,TriBITS
| ID | Repo Dir        | Branch                     | Tracking Branch                       | C | M | ? |
|  0 | Trilinos (Base) | 10774-final-fixes          | rab-github/10774-final-fixes          |   |   |   |
|  1 | TriBITS         | 522-cmake-minimum-required | rab-github/522-cmake-minimum-required |   |   |   |

$ gitdist-repo-versions --dist-repos=.,TriBITS
*** Base Git Repo: Trilinos
d03c5842af4a9d6bce3ef86ef10f2a596ef220cf [Wed Aug 24 16:30:16 2022 -0600] <>
Change cmake_minimum_required() from 3.17.1 to 3.0 (TriBITSPUb/TriBITS#522)
*** Git Repo: TriBITS
ab41942990e8d3655463551036a979c674b27fcc [Wed Aug 24 16:50:38 2022 -0600] <>
Add version check and calls to cmake_minimum_required() (#522)

on 'crf450' with:

$ ssh crf450

$ cd ~/Trilinos.base/BUILDS/PR/clang-10.0.0/

$ cat
export TRILINOS_DIR=${HOME}/Trilinos.base/Trilinos
source ${TRILINOS_DIR}/packages/framework/GenConfig/ \
--cmake-fragment GenConfigSettings.cmake \
rhel7_sems-clang-10.0.0-openmpi-1.10.1-serial_release-debug_shared_no-kokkos-arch_no-asan_no-complex_no-fpic_mpi_no-pt_no-rdc_no-uvm_deprecated-on_no-package-enables \
--force -y \
"$@" \

$ cat do-configure
rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles
cmake \
-G Ninja \
-C GenConfigSettings.cmake \
-D Trilinos_TRIBITS_DIR:STRING=TriBITS/tribits \
"$@" \

$ time ./do-configure -DTrilinos_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES=ON &> configure.out

real    1m48.887s
user    1m5.629s
sys     0m44.551s

$ time make &> make.out 

real    86m22.995s
user    2521m31.180s
sys     62m0.112s

$ time ctest -j12 &> ctest.out

real    14m46.608s
user    149m46.226s
sys     13m18.514s

$ grep "failed out of" ctest.out 
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3398
bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

@KyleFromKitware, can you please do a post-merge review of this PR?