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Fix: gitdist: dist-repo-status: Display tag or SHA1 instead of 'HEAD' (GITHUB DEFECT) #589

Closed bartlettroscoe closed 1 year ago

bartlettroscoe commented 1 year ago

There was a bug is the previous PR #587. See commit messages for details.

bartlettroscoe commented 1 year ago

NOTE: GitHub is showing the commits for this PR here with the top commit showing:


But the top commit for the PR branch gitdist-head-tag-and-sha1-fix is showing:


This would appear to be a defect in GitHub. I pushed rebased/amended commits pretty close to each other and I think there must be a race condition in GitHub.

Let's hope GitHub is smart enough to merge the correct commits.

I think I am going to leave this PR and branch alone and create a new branch with a new PR to be save. And I will leave this PR to show the defect in GitHub.