TriPSs / conventional-changelog-action

Github Action that generates a changelog with the Conventional Changelog CLI
MIT License
285 stars 102 forks source link

conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits v8.0.0 no longer compatible #260

Open djthornton1212 opened 1 month ago

djthornton1212 commented 1 month ago


GitHub Actions:
  os: ubuntu-latest
  node: v18.20.2 (default)
  npm: 10.5.0 (default)
  dependencies: conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
  action: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v5.2.1

The issue

After updating my pipeline today my changelog workflow failed with the following error:

Loading "/home/runner/work/github-actions/github-actions/.github/configs/conventional-commits/config.js" script Error: Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /home/runner/work/github-actions/github-actions/node_modules/conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits/src/index.js from /home/runner/work/github-actions/github-actions/.github/configs/conventional-commits/config.js not supported. Instead change the require of index.js in /home/runner/work/github-actions/github-actions/.github/configs/conventional-commits/config.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.


I began by trying to understand the nature of the error. I am by no means a JavaScript developer, so keep that in mind. As I understand it, some upstream dependency (I assumed conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits as it's the only thing I install) had changed. That change now requiring ESM rather than CommonJS... Either way I found that conventional-changelog recently updated from 7.0.2 -> 8.0.0. Searching through their changes I found

Next I updated my local config.js to be what I believe is ESM friendly:

'use strict'
const config = require('conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits');

module.exports = config({
    "types": [
        { type: 'ci', section: 'Continuous Integration' },
        { type: 'chore', section: 'Miscellaneous Chore' },
        { type: 'dependabot', section: 'Dependabot' },
        { type: 'deprecate', section: 'Deprecated' },
        { type: 'docs', section: 'Documentation' },
        { type: 'feat', section: 'Feature' },
        { type: 'feature', section: 'Feature' },
        { type: 'fix', section: 'Fixed' },
        { type: 'perf', section: 'Performance' },
        { type: 'refactor', section: 'Code Refactoring' },
        { type: 'release', hidden: true },
        { type: 'remove', section: 'Removed' },
        { type: 'revert', section: 'Reverts' },
        { type: 'security', section: 'Security' },
        { type: 'style', section: 'Styles' },
        { type: 'test', section: 'Tests', hidden: true },


'use strict'

async function getConfig() {
  const config = await import('conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits');

  return config.default({
    "types": [
        { type: 'ci', section: 'Continuous Integration' },
        { type: 'chore', section: 'Miscellaneous Chore' },
        { type: 'dependabot: 'Dependabot' },
        { type: 'deprecate', section: 'Deprecated' },
        { type: 'docs', section: 'Documentation' },
        { type: 'feat', section: 'Feature' },
        { type: 'feature', section: 'Feature' },
        { type: 'fix', section: 'Fixed' },
        { type: 'perf', section: 'Performance' },
        { type: 'refactor', section: 'Code Refactoring' },
        { type: 'release', hidden: true },
        { type: 'remove', section: 'Removed' },
        { type: 'revert', section: 'Reverts' },
        { type: 'security', section: 'Security' },
        { type: 'style', section: 'Styles' },
        { type: 'test', section: 'Tests', hidden: true },

module.exports = getConfig;

This change partially worked as I no longer received any errors, however the markdown came out wonky & the version bumper wasn't working. I presume the reason that the version bumper isn't working is because the new new Bumper exported class.

Expected behavior/outcome

Honestly, I wouldn't expect this to work given the nature of the changes. However, it might be worth mentioning version compatibilities somewhere in the documentation when using a custom Config-File-Path; as I managed to get it all working again when I pinned conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits to 7.0.2.

For now, I'll leave this in place until I see an update for this action.

TriPSs commented 1 month ago

It makes sense that it would stop breaking, the test file we have in the repo also still uses 7.0.2. Wil check when I have some time if we can update that to the latest version.