TriPed-Robot / triped_description

Documents and configurations for robot description.
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Trip Kinematics #1

Open Ibidu opened 2 years ago

Ibidu commented 2 years ago

We need a kinematic node for the Triped visualisation in Rviz. This node should take in the ROS topics for the joint states : /leg_i/swing/left(right)/joint/joint_states/ . Then read the position of the joint state message. From there the Kinematics of the Triped should be calculated. The node should output the topics /tf_static and /tf. Both publish geometrymsgs/TransformStamped[], the elements are geometrymsgs/TransformStamped, with:

the /tf_static contains only the chassis link, and the /tf topic contains all other links of the urdf, excluding the base_link. See also:

Ibidu commented 2 years ago

see also: