Triangle-Modeling-and-Analytics / TRMG2

The second generation of the Triangle Regional Model
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Discrepancy in Equity Summaries ( esp. xx_dc_Jobs_xx) #395

Closed Flatiron87 closed 5 months ago

Flatiron87 commented 5 months ago

The three files from the equity output do not match: dc_skim_AM.mtx, scenario_se.bin and table3 in the The figure below is from a 2050 scenario example, the totals (349,461,923) in the scenario_se.bin and table3 match, however, these two do not match the summary in the dc_skim_AM.mtx (299,590,714). It appears from the script that they are all using the same source. They seem to match when using the total area TAZs, but when using the MPO field to filter, they do not.

dc_skim_summation equity issue

Flatiron87 commented 5 months ago

Issue closed by CAMPO. Not a bug but an incorrect summation of the the dc_skim file for sub areas. Equity fields in Table 3 and se_bin file are correct. dc_skim file is correct when correct indices are used.