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Socratic Seminar 11 Topics #1

Closed vnprc closed 1 year ago

vnprc commented 1 year ago

Please post here to add any topics you would like to discuss at the next socratic seminar.

Leftover topics


Taro Skepticism

A critical look at the scalability properties of the Taro protocol if deployed on the bitcoin blockchain

Advances in Channel Jamming Research

The prolifically productive dream team Gleb Naumenko and Antoine Riard have released a series of research reports examining channel jamming. Read the lightning-dev post for a brief summary or dive into the gitbook and read the whole shebang.

Taproot Errwhere

Very exciting PR enabling taproot by default for sweeping funds, funding channels, and sending blobs to watch towers.



Gleb and Antoine propose Coinpool, a new shared UTXO ownership model. Coinpool requires three new OP codes to be soft forked into bitcoin script, so don’t hold your breath. It is recommended that you first grok Eltoo since coinpool builds upon the eltoo protocol to add new capabilities.


Coinjoin over nostr

alicexbt shared a coinjoin over nostr implementation to the bitcoin-dev mailing list. Nostr is a simple new decentralized social media protocol based on cryptographic keypairs.

Member requests:

Taproot address adoption

How can the addresses be added to a wallet? What is the difference between taproot and bech32? Does taproot save on costs? How much? New website launched When Taproot?

vnprc commented 1 year ago

New stuff that I think is extremely cool:

Chaumian Mints

Fedimint launches on signet

This represents a big step towards a production ready codebase.


Cashu is a Chaumian Ecash wallet and mint. It's written in python and has only lightning support, no on-chain transactions. It's like fedimint without a federation.


Spiral block explorer

Spiral is a new Bitcoin block explorer that uses fully homomorphic encryption to guarantee the privacy of your balance lookups. Not to be confused with Jack Dorsey's bitcoin company of the same name. Who'd have thunk that the first big name collision would include none of the words "bit", "block", "chain", or "coin". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

jesseaam commented 1 year ago

Wasabi Wallet

Wasabi Wallet is an open-source bitcoin wallet on GitHub here with the goal of making bitcoin more fungible. When you buy bitcoin from an exchange, they are required to follow KYC and AML rules/laws and thus collect your personal information. This allows third party to run chain analysis on the Bitcoin blockchain and view every transaction you make, effectively removing your financial privacy. Wasabi Wallet implements CoinJoins to decouple this meta data and give you back your privacy.

Privacy is your ability to selectively reveal yourself to the world.

Coinjoin is a collaborative Bitcoin transaction to which multiple participants provide inputs

Gregory Maxwell first describes CoinJoins

Other resources

source “In simple terms, CoinJoins are transactions where more than one person contributes inputs. They don’t require trust because each person only signs the transaction if it pays to the outputs they expect. They’re mainly used today to improve privacy by invalidating the assumption that all the inputs in a transaction are from one person — an assumption that blockchain analysis uses to try to trace the history of coins.”

why should I care?

Real World Examples

Mistake in Bitcoin white paper: Section 10 Privacy

As an additional firewall, a new key pair should be used for each transaction to keep them from being linked to a common owner. Some linking is still unavoidable with multi-input transactions, which necessarily reveal that their inputs were owned by the same owner. The risk is that if the owner of a key is revealed, linking could reveal other transactions that belonged to the same owner.

vnprc commented 1 year ago

Onion Messages and Asynchronous Lightning Payments

LDK developer vallywal explains how onion messages not only unlock bolt12 offers and blinded routes, but the combination of onion messages and PTLCs enable async payments over lightning that don't lock up network liquidity. Really tho, the awesomest part of this blog post is all the 🔥 diagrams.

vnprc commented 1 year ago

Bitcoin Core 24.0 Release Candidate Testing Guide

Bitcoin core contributor kouloumos put together a testing guide for the 24.0 release candidate. There's a lot of cool stuff in this release, check out his twitter thread to see the highlights in 280 char chunks.

vnprc commented 1 year ago

Taro alpha release

Lightning Labs has released the taro daemon alpha. Despite what the name might imply the taro daemon is not a little monster that steals your root vegetables, it is a tool to issue and transfer assets on bitcoin and lightning. Check out this blog post for the English explanation or the repo if you want to get technical.