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Socratic Seminar 25 #15

Closed vnprc closed 5 months ago

vnprc commented 6 months ago


Hello Bitcoiners! This is where we'll organize the topics of discussion for our upcoming Socratic Seminar.

Please use this issue to suggest topics that you'd like to see discussed at the seminar. To suggest a topic, simply add a new comment to this issue with the topic title as the comment's title.

As we work through organizing the topics, feel free to edit and update your comments as needed. This will help us keep everything organized and easy to follow.

To help get us started, here are some main topics of discussion that we could consider:

vnprc commented 6 months ago edit: not everyone likes it

vnprc commented 6 months ago

BIP 16 pay to script hash

vnprc commented 6 months ago


vnprc commented 6 months ago

Fedimint v0.2.1 released. This is the first release that will have long term support.

vnprc commented 6 months ago

Someone sent ~27 btc to the genesis block coinbase address. Donating to a good cause, all HODLers.

vnprc commented 6 months ago

Rethinking Lightning

vnprc commented 5 months ago

Excellent article by Brandon Black aka @reardencode explaining all of the incentive changes that have been soft forked into bitcoin over the years, and how taproot was not among them.

vnprc commented 5 months ago

An Overview of the Cluster Mempool Proposal

vnprc commented 5 months ago

Some guy does it again! Another inscription whitepaper drop describing a novel technique to upload encrypted files to the bitcoin blockchain using recursive inscriptions. The file can be broken up into multiple chunks and decrypted once the private key used to encrypt it is revealed in a later transaction. This technique can be used in combination with a timelocked transaction to create a dead man's switch. It's good to see cypherpunks leveraging bitcoin's native file storage protocol to do cypherpunk things. Rock on! 🤘

inscription: whitepaper:

vnprc commented 5 months ago

Brandon Black aka reardencode on twitter and github wrote up a juicy collection of BIPs to enable his preferred covenant tools he is calling LNHANCE.

vnprc commented 5 months ago

Rijndael highlights some of the incredible state of the art bitcoin technology Taproot Wizards have built in the name of \<checks notes> cat pictures on the blockchain.

vnprc commented 5 months ago

Here's a flippant look at the process of getting consensus changes activated on the bitcoin network chock full of historical examples and related readings.