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Socratic Seminar 16 #6

Closed jesseaam closed 1 year ago

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Bitcoin Core



Self-Hosted Node Software


[BTCPay Server]( - Turn your business into a bitcoin business! "This is lies, my trust in you is broken, I will make you obsolete" ## I. Introduction This talk is going to be about the payment processor BTCPay Server and its new coinjoin plugin. - Describe payment processors - Describe BitPay - The Tweet - Describe BTCPay - Describe the coinjoin plugin ## II. Payment Processors A payment processor is a company or software that helps businesses accept payments from their customers. A payment processor is like a middleman, handling the technical details of the transaction, such as verifying the payment information, making sure the funds are available, and transferring the money to the business. They typically charge fees for their services, which can be a flat rate per transaction or a percentage of the total amount. They also often offer additional services like fraud detection, chargeback protection, and payment analytics. PayPal, Square, Apple Pay ([diagram]( ## III. BitPay - A payment processor that enables businesses to accept Bitcoin - When a customer pays with Bitcoin, BitPay converts the payment into the merchant's preferred fiat currency, such as US dollars, and settles the payment to the merchant's bank account. - 3rd party centralized company that requires merchants to rely on its services, which can create a single point of failure and potentially compromise the security and privacy of users - vocal supporter of increasing the block size (see [BIP 101]( ## IV. The Tweet - [Nicolas Dorier 2017]( ([Bitcoin Core Contributor](, Official BTCPay Server emperor) - Response to [a BitPay tweet]( (a 3rd party bitcoin payment processing Co.) made which said that: "Nodes which fail to upgrade to support Segwit will face major security risks, including the risk of double-spend transaction fraud" - Segregated Witness (SegWit) was activated as a soft fork in the Bitcoin network in August 2017. This means that it was implemented in a way that is backward compatible with the previous version of the Bitcoin software, so nodes that have not upgraded to the new version can still validate transactions that use SegWit. - Dorier felt that BitPay's support for BIP-101 represented a disloyalty of the Bitcoin community's values of decentralization and peer-to-peer consensus, and he publicly criticized BitPay for its stance. - He had onboarded several people to BitPay and said in [The Anita Posch Show podcast]( that he felt betrayed - So he started working BTCPay Server - open-source self-hosted payment processor that allows merchants to accept Bitcoin without relying on a third-party service. ## V. BTCPay Server Turn any business into a Bitcoin Business. Get Started at []( - No Set Up Fee - No Percentage Fee - No Third Party - Secure, Private & Censorship Resistant - Bitcoin & Lightning Network - It has gained popularity among privacy and security-conscious Bitcoin users who prefer to have full control over their payments and data. Who is it for? - Used by merchants, individuals, non-profit organizations, charities, exchanges, developers, local communities, and individuals who want to accept payments in Bitcoin You can use it for payment processing, invoicing, payment confirmation tracking, and payment gateway integration. Plus, it's highly customizable, so you can tailor the payment experience to your specific needs. **Example use cases**: Small businesses looking to accept Bitcoin payments without relying on third-party processors -Non-profit organizations and charities seeking to accept Bitcoin donations without paying high transaction fees - Merchants looking to accept Bitcoin payments for online or in-person sales ## VII. Features of BTCPay Server -Open-source and community-driven development ([GitHub repo]( - Support for various payment methods (e.g., on-chain, Lightning Network) - Easy integration with hardware wallets for increased security - Fantastic Documentation ( - Integrations and Plugins ## VIII. Coinjoin Plugin - Andrew Camilleri created WabiSabi plugin ( - Show image of coinjoin: - What is WabiSabi protocol? - an anonymous credential scheme for centrally coordinated coinjoin transactions. - greatly increases privacy of merchant - allows arbitrary amount of coinjoins - enable automatic coinjoin with [two clicks]( - "Payments within coinjoins also prevent recipients from knowing the sender's inputs and how the sender got them." ( - Option to choose coinjoin coordinator. - [tutorial]( ## IX. Conclusion BTCPay server is a free & open-source bitcoin payment processor that is an alternative to centralized for-profit. Recap of the benefits and features of BTCPay Server Encouragement to explore BTCPay Server as a payment processing solution. ## Additional Information - [Wasabi Wallet blog: BTCPay Server Adding Coinjoin Plugin for All Merchants]( - [Wasabi Wallet tweet thread about the plugin]( - [BTCPay Server Tutorial: How To Accept Bitcoin As Payment Or Donation]( - [BTCPay Server Workshop w/Pavlenex & Wouter Samaey]( - Sponsoring project: