Tribes2-SCP / Torque3D

Tribes 2 engine implementation based on the MIT Licensed Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames
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Unix Build Problems #11

Closed Ragora closed 8 years ago

Ragora commented 8 years ago

It looks like Torque3D's build system on Linux is broken in some pretty peculiar ways. Out of three repos I've tried building, one failed finding Xext.h, one from Bahke built just fine and the one I forked here fails to find TinyXML and when include dirs are hacked, it gets TinyXML redeclaration problems. I have no idea what went right on that one repo, but something needs fixed.

So far I've been trying to build on a Linux Mint AMD64 machine.

Ragora commented 8 years ago

Looks like it was just the development branch being very broken. We have a new development branch here based off master. What we'll do is pull code from GG's master when its updated and use our development branch only for our code, merging that branch into our master when we deem it to be in a ready state.