Tribes2-SCP / Torque3D

Tribes 2 engine implementation based on the MIT Licensed Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames
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setRepairRate & applyRepair #16

Open Ragora opened 8 years ago

Ragora commented 8 years ago

Torque3D no longer implements setRepairRate & applyRepair.

setRepairRate(%rate) sets a constant repair rate of %rate per tick (32 milliseconds in Tribes 2). applyRepair(%repair) applies %repair units of repair until healed or until no units are available over a currently unknown hardcoded rate.

There appears to be no script elements in Torque3D for apply repairs, only damages therefore there does not appear to be any way of emulating this functionality in script.

Ragora commented 8 years ago

It looks like I either screwed up in actually checking for this or for some reason these exist only in the branches we're using now. Should leave this open until we know which one it was.